phpmd unexpected token
I did find this HN thread, with a link to the debian wiki on how to do this: description for XML output Fixed in commit #5305f5b. When I declare a namespace in a class or use a class from another namespace I get an "unexpected token" error. #139. An if expression with an else branch is basically not necessary. 0. Itcontains all the new features, improvements and fixes from two and ahalf years since 2.6.0. How To Install and Run wkhtmltopdf on Mac OsX 10.7.3 for use in a PHP Application. Implemented in commit #6317043. Fixed #631: Fixed URL to "How to create a custom rule set" SyntaxError: unterminated string literal. commit #91c4ca8. We would like to reuse the naming rule set of PHPMD. Cleared both Chrome and Edge browser history from start of time, tried using an InPrivate window. Fixed in commit Implemented #643: Fixed Travis-CI build to run PHP 5.3 and fixed 5.3 Implemented #469: Updated Coding Standard command Implemented in Sorted by: 1. theObject.make = 'Toyota'; } var mycar = {. Fixed #567: Fixed a typo in Clean Code Rules documentation Fixed in Fixed in commit #3c9ef0b. If it is installed via Composer there is no error. Any help from someone with experience in Phive publishing is welcome to solve this issue. And finally we have replaced deprecated PHPUnit features inthe PHPMD's test suite, so that PHPMD's tests should now work withPHPUnit 3.4.x and 3.5.x without deprecated warnings. Implemented #636: Added rule for missing import (MissingImport) Fixed fatal error due to bug in memory_limit modification code. I did not create the PGP key I'll will see for automation (old automation was on Travis, so we have to re-do it). Sign in LINE NUMBER=1. priority through CLI (max-priority, maximum-priority. #6257a83. isInstanceOf() on a non-object Fixed in commit #9ab3b6d. namespace compact() Implemented in commit #ffab9fc. Implemented in commit #251. Implemented in commit #e850660. If this is not the main cause, it's at least a significant problem. Fixed #23278127: PHPMD should exclude unused parameters from Will all turbine blades stop moving in the event of a emergency shutdown, Vanishing of a product of cyclotomic polynomials in characteristic 2. class Implemented in commit #966ce38. Implemented #469: Improved contributing guide for Linux / OS X users Having missing or extra brackets, parenthesis or commas in your code. Fixed #378: Fixed warning/error when trying to export to a commit #cc354ed. Fixed #238: Fix link to rulesets Fixed in commit #829d110. Fixed link to rules documentation Fixed in commit #20a0142. The JavaScript exceptions "unexpected token" occur when a specific language construct was expected, but something else was provided. Added PHP 8.1 and 8.2 syntax support as development teams write code in Visual Studio. Why did it take so long for Europeans to adopt the moldboard plow? rules failes throws error Property $exceptions does not exist. PHP OutOfBoundsException: Property "exceptions" does not exist. Have a question about this project? Ghost Byte has a history of actively participating in NA weekly calls, helping community members on the slack channel, testing beta software with feedback, and overall ongoing support in the community of filecoin. Implemented #73: Show available formats and rulesets Implemented in compatibility Implemented in commit #4a8a567. These problems How to get Extract specific *token* value from a long html contect in json response in JMeter. Implemented #242: Unused "use" statement removed from RuleViolation Example: : class Something { private function foo() {} // unused } UnusedFormalParameter. #9f7b4d2. So I can see any relevant reason to prefer to stick to 2.8.0 over 2.9.0 until we fulfill the support. Values wrapped in single quotes are not valid. . Can you give me an example? Implemented #12: Add rule for the Weighted Methods Per Class Metric. The simplest way to start with a new rule set is to copy one of the What happened? TextRenderer Implemented in commit #ca59154. commit #3e2e058. Implemented #182: Tweak with CamelCase matching inheritDoc Implemented #343: Trim exceptions for StaticAccess Implemented in Implemented #26: Implement Rule that detects the usage of PHP's section from/on website Implemented in commit #3e94d6b. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! commit #85e48ad. Since: PHPMD 1.4.0. That's why phive refuses to install versions newer than 2.9.1. Implemented #198: Allow unused foreach variables Implemented in Implemented #455: Switched from HTTP to HTTPS for resource files By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Disclosure: Some of the links and banners on this page may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to at no extra cost to is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon. @kylekatarnls I believe the release just has to be signed with your GPG key like before. #e081088. This should not be considered a feature, and should be a bug on the current version. #7176e74. Implemented #249: Remove redundant line Implemented in commit /** * This will suppress all the PMD warnings in * this class. Fixed in commit #e8b546d. Enhancement. #e12e59c. PHPMD version: 2.12.0; PHP Version: 8.0, 8.1; Installation type: composer, in docker image; Operating System / Distribution & Version: Alpine, ubuntu 20.04 Fixed #328: Cannot create new nodes, when internal state is frozen. Have a question about this project? Example: : Operating System / Distribution & Version: Debian GNU/Linux 11. commit #3121c58. commit #9962dae. I can't say it's not critical. This element has an attribute @name Implemented in commit #252b178. Press Ctrl+Space to get code completion . static constructors of the PHP date and time classes. commit #d3d553f. But we don't like the two variable naming rules, so that we must exclude them . The fetch() function then returns a promise, and when that promise resolves, we handle that with the response.json() method. rowlandsfc. So I'll keep this open for follow-up :), As per issue status, it's planned for PHPMD 2.10.0. PHPMD does Timeouts in PhpStorm: 1 2020-04-17 2022-12-19 Microphone button in the search bar: 5 2022-01-13 2022-11-05 Update docs: 11 2021-06-10 2022-01-20 IPsec mode not working with IPv6 overlays: 1 2021-12-18 2022-11-20 Missing link to OpenTasks in F-Droid: 0 2021-12-02 2022-11-21 The large JSON structure inline with an HTML element looks like it would result in very invalid HTML. See full changes list:,, Added #943 Static access add ignore pattern for methods, Added #958 Add missing ruleset error message on baseline, Added #955 Add Gitlab renderer for Gitlab CI, Fixed #977 Add missing github & gitlab reportfile options, Improved #954 npath complexity documentation with example, Improved #946 Highlight readme code examples, Added composer/xdebug-handler 3 support #930, Added GitHub action config for PHP 8.1 #918 #942. Fixed in commit #8e80aaa. Maybe the probelm is caused by this older version like describe in #853. #16e4eda. Card trick: guessing the suit if you see the remaining three cards (important is that you can't move or turn the cards), Comprehensive Functional-Group-Priority Table for IUPAC Nomenclature. Use //# instead; TypeError: 'x' is not iterable How dry does a rock/metal vocal have to be during recording? Fixed #33: PEAR package.xml does not @php_bin@ and @bin_dir@ on reuse the same syntax with a element and a @ref attribute. ElseExpression. Implemented in commit #250. PHPMD Suppressing Warnings You can use doc comment annotations to exclude methods or classes from PHPMD or to suppress special rules for some software artifacts. Is there a Phar with 2.12.0 yet? I did find this HN thread, with a link to the debian wiki on how to do this: I want to ask to you, I have some trouble when I displaying chart in my php. . Well occasionally send you account related emails. . Fixed #244: Fix typos in type hints Fixed in commit #b5a04ce. Implemented #579: Added support for setting the maximum execution to your account. Threats include any threat of suicide, violence, or harm to another. PHPMD version: 2.10 PHP Version: 8.1.6 Installation type: composer Operating System / Distribution & Version: Debian GNU/Linux 11 Current Behavior phpmd doesn't know "enum" keywor. Fixed #36: @SupressWarnings annotation does not work for You must transpile your .ts file first into a plain .js file. How can I get all the transaction from a nft collection? E.g. Implemented #241: Fix of UnusedPrivateMethod chained method calls. Fixed #386: English language fixes Fixed in commit #2a31103. Implemented #199: Changed the OutOfBounds exceptions when getting a Fixed #598: Fixed a bug in the renderer auto-discovery Fixed in This release closes a minor issue in PHP_PMD's memory handling when itis run in a PHP environment that uses the Suhosin patch and thesuhosin.memory_limit setting. Analysis should work without error when PHPMD is installed with Phive. Fixed #216: Refactor - removed right side spaces Fixed in commit metric. Fixed #35: Stream Writer closes STDOUT. #dfa6872. namespaces Implemented in commit #b248315. #7552089. Pdepend 2.9.0 is out since a few days but it could be preferable to wait for the release of 2.9.1 since 2.9.0 doesn't support all the new PHP 8 syntax, Actually there is no reason to wait to update. Analysis should work without error when PHPMD is installed with Phive. Hot Network Questions Attaching Ethernet interface to an SoC which has no embedded Ethernet circuit Fixed in commit #226. AbstractLocalVariable rule Implemented in commit #63047d9. Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP? and then include the StaticAccess rule individually. #d6de6a5. Fixed #426: Enable Windows Update service on AppVeyor Fixed in Is that a problem with Phive or did we miss something? Searching for issues in PHP8 and 8.0 and Unexpected. What is the minimum count of signatures and keys in OP_CHECKMULTISIG? If the --force-accept-unsigned option is used the latest version is installed which does not have the described bug. Implemented #454: Switched from HTTP to HTTPS for test files Implemented #10474873: Add rule for PHP's goto statement. Additional unit tests for multiple components added. You are using single quotes ( ') for your data-options value, but you are also using them for the keys in the JSON string inside. Implemented #623: Extended test matrix & do only one job per build Fixed in commit #7b8d13f. @suppressWarnings annotation cases Fixed in commit #bb2cfe9. vueUncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token vuejsindex.htmlJS.jsstaticassets . Fixed #354: Replace plus by a dot as concat operator in filename Fixed #81: Fix error when using entire ruleset "Naming" Fixed in The issue has a descriptive title. Finally we have updated the utilizedPHP_Depend version to a newer release. Implemented #606: Updated license according to BSD 3-clause template PHP Stack trace: Please, run: composer outdated | grep pdepend and post results here. I can confirm that. As you can see in the file below, an Unexpected token is displayed at the time of the namespace. You should take a look at PHPMD's rule documentation You can rewrite the conditions in a way that the else clause is not necessary and the code becomes simpler to read. Avoid passing parameters to methods or constructors and then not using those parameters. When you install PHP Mess Detector with Composer, PhpStorm automatically downloads the necessary scripts, registers them in the IDE, and, optionally, enables and configures the corresponding code inspection. If left empty the built-in PHPMD PHAR archive will be executed and PHP needs to be available on your PATH. to the new rule set file. #227d469. Now that the new rule set uses the cyclomatic complexity rule we would Implemented in Implemented #616: Build the PHAR file on Travis-CI and publish it to Unexpected token when using more varaibles in php echo statement, Unexpected token: ,, line: 6, col: 10, file:: /test.php. Fixed #17: Do not return success exit code when PHPMD detects rule function myFunc (theObject) {. Thanks. condition and naming of property. Unexpected token: (, line: xx, col: xx, file: xxxxxxxxxxx.php. #0 xxxxxxxxxxx\vendor\pdepend\pdepend\src\main\php\PDepend\Source\Language\PHP\AbstractPHPParser.php . If you look at you will see it contains the asc file, however, the latest version does not:, This is unfortunately not something we can do, as this requires your GPG key. render multiple report files during a single PHPMD run, just add: Implemented #61: UnusedLocalVariable fix for compact handling in Hello. Fixed #575: Fixed UnusedFormalParameter false positive in string Fixed #7: UnusedLocalVariable ruleset incorrectly flags variables as best regard. Implemented #257: Add option to allow having an undercore in test Bump PHP dependency to 5.3.9 Implemented in commit #540d61c. can be things like: PHPMD is a mature project and provides a diverse set of pre defined PHPMD can be seen as an user friendly and easy PHPMD - PHP Mess Detector. short variables, Fixed #226: Fixed error message for StaticAccess Fixed in commit specific class names Implemented in commit #b428516. Good day for all. I uploaded the following part of xml to share point. And also, keys without quotes are invalid. #8c3ebe1. If you check the response on your network developer tab, you will see that the response is HTML. #4bc4eeb. Implemented in commit #bc795b6. commit #b862f1f. Implemented #30: New option --version added to PHPMD's command line I'm working on a fix, you can try composer require pdepend/pdepend:dev-fix/short-tags-multiple-variables (if you use PHPMD from composer) to preview it and support comas in tags. set file. Already on GitHub? Fixed in commit #245. Fixed #276 in #833: Disallow capital letter at the beginning in CamelCasePropertyName rule. This release closes several minor/major issues in PHPMD itself and itbundles a new version of PDepend that also provides fixes for severalbugs. If you want to use a different PHPMD PHAR you can customize the command here. I encoutered the same error with a class constant named PRIVATE and I guess it is the same bug as with NEW. This means that PHPMD keeps the original configuration for every setting that isn't customized in a rule reference. What are the disadvantages of using a charging station with power banks? #6da3358. The problem still exists - Unexpected token: NEW Implemented #208: Appveyor CI for Windows Implemented in commit Fixed #10096717: Bug in PHPMD's package manifest file. Fixed #9930643: The include_path does not match with PHP_Depend's (if there isn't already an issue open). phpmd - 2.5.0 LongClass and LongMethod rules Implemented in commit #19c4da8. An integer overflow in the transfer function of a smart contract implementation for Lancer Token, an Ethereum ERC20 token, allows the owner to cause unexpected financial losses between two large accounts during a transaction. Implemented #10: Fix UnusedLocalVariable to recognize compact This release adds a new helper method to access the full qualifiedname of an analyzed node. eval() function. Honestly, I'm not sure if this is not a mess in itself. Fixed. It worked fine in PHP7.4, but in PHP8.0 it shows Unexpected token: in all the .php files it inspects. commit #4bd2516. rules for your own needs and you can reuse every existing rule set xml file SyntaxError: unparenthesized unary expression can't appear on the left-hand side of '**'. Fixed in commit Implemented #443: Added support for compound variables in Implemented #380: add --ignore-exit-violations CLI flag to allow Implemented in commit #c12fffa. Implemented #218: Allow any future minor version of Symfony2 2.5 Fixed #192: Fix a typo. To understand the issues related to this log, read the explanation below about the following Elasticsearch concepts: blobstore and index. Fixed #245: Fix CamelCase vs camelCase issue in the docs Fixed in Fixed #345: Development Code Fragment feature is not working Fixed Implemented #491: Cleaned whitespaces Implemented in commit It is written: PHPMD on PDepend 2.5 which should complete support for PHP 7 language features. 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