maitreya prophecy
Review of Matsumoto Bunzabur, Miroku Jdo Ron (Etude de La Terre-Pure de Maitreya). Bulletin de lcole Franaise dExtrme-Orient 11 (1911): 43957. See Maurice Walshe, tr., Thus Have I Heard: The Long Discourses of the Buddha (London: Wisdom Publications, 1987), pp. Majumder however used both the Shastri Collection manuscript and a second one found at Gilgit that might not have been available to Lvi in 1932. And having seen this transitoriness of the sacrificial post, Maitreya will contemplate the whole of cyclic existence, and he will long to go forth from home [in renunciation]. However, it could also be the case that in the age when the AMV was written, the dominance of the Brhmaical culture was so strong that it prompted the author of the text to derive the future Buddha from their class to show that Buddhists were as good or in fact better than the Brhmaas, the Hindu priests. 173 (AMV 30), (LH 991.3). Since the Tibetan ends with the (zhes), this indicates the end of Maitreyas speech in the story in the Tibetan translation. (8), Sweet and fragrant rice will grow that requires no cultivation. However, the text was probably written somewhere between the end of the 2nd century CE and the beginning of the 3rd. was the first full translation I undertook. The Sanskrit critical edition was compiled by Prabhas Chandra Majumder in 1959. Often the literal translation is the most exact, but sometimes idioms and metaphors and the more culturally specific forms of the language need a less restricted translation, these I footnote with the original text. At present Maitreya is believed to reside in the Tutshita. the merit accrued to attain any of these rebirths is exhausted. Lvi (390-391) translates, when one jumps on it, it lowers itself and becomes soft like the leaves of cotton (, has when one jumps on it, it gives way, and becomes soft like the leaves of the cotton tree., as a continuative, whereas I am interpreting it as one of a pair of opposites: rising up (. However, here the tree is a Nga tree (. 5, , hereafter AMV. (95), The whole earth will be filled with Foe-Destroyers whose defilements154 will have been destroyed; faults, thrown away; and bonds of existence, cast off. Maitreya..One of the so called 'Masters of the Earth. 164 (AMV 29), (LH 990.6, NT 969.4). (65) [21], And there at that time, hundreds of thousands living beings109 [LH 987] will go forth [from the householder life] under the instruction of Maitreya. The Prophecy of Maitreyas overall message for lay people is that through faith in the Buddha (and his doctrine) one will be reborn in that time of Maitreya and therein achieve enlightenment. See note 21. Page numbers for the three primary editions used (Majumders edition of the Sanskrit and the two Tibetan translations) will be in brackets in smaller font. The gods will hold up a white parasol over the head of that [boy]. The Prophecy of Maitreya does not focus in detail on the doctrine taught by the future Buddha. The Tibetan has with/by the gods (, LH 983.5, NT 963.1). Lvi has as a divinity (comme une divinit). Das, Sarat Chandra. 138 (lit. The present text, as edited here, is mainly based on the manuscript discovered at Gilgit. Vol. I am parsing this as a continuative plus , which seems to be supported by the Tibetan: (LH 987.2, NT 966.3). 61This verse breaks the flow of the narrative. 133Edition A and the Tibetan reads: a full 920 million liberated [Hearers] whose minds are pacified ( (sic) , ) (AMV 24 n. 2, LH 988.4, NT 967.5). The first half of the sentence uses the third person singular, 30). The LH edition (981.2) has the correct spelling or grove, garden, park. Latin transliteration of non-Latin languages is a remnant of a time when technological limitations made it difficult to incorporate two fonts within the same text (think of typesetters). literally translates as outflow and refers to the outflowing of psychic energy toward objects of desire, but is commonly translated as contamination, Nirva, meaning to I will be extinguished/blown out. Except for the differences in pagination, the two Tibetan versions seem nearly identical. The notion here is that the oceans recede creating a path for such a world-ruling king to circumscribe the whole world, presuming there is a single landmass surrounded by ocean. A new translation from the Sanskrit and Tibetan, non-virtuous actions to a subsequent lifes beneficial or harmful outcomes respectively. 29 (LH 980.3; NT 959.7) (AMV 7) . 124The verses 75-77 are omitted from the Tibetan and edition A (AMV 23 n. 2). 8:19 PREVIEW Lost Divinity. advertisement. 54 (AMV 11), (LH 982.3; NT 961.7). See the next verse. 2. [At an assembly] attended by 84,000 people. 13/12/2016. But there are a few Buddhist prophecies that are more specific to the time when the Maitreya will arise: "After my decease, first will occur the five disappearances. They will be completely encircled by seven rings of Tla trees. 24 (LH 979.6) AMV (5) and NT (959.4) have . The first is literally coming correctly. And the gods will hold up a white parasol over the head of that [boy]. For more information about this term, see Full Entry below. The Tibetan has 64 fathoms side to side, 1000 top to bottom ( , LH 984.6, NT 964.1). III by Benjamin Creme (1997); 1.4 The World Teacher for All Humanity by Benjamin Creme (2007); 1.5 The Awakening of Humanity, by . Maitreya will come from one of the upper castes, but instead of being from the warrior caste, he will be from the priestly caste of Brhmaas. The attribution of the text to ryacandra is notable. See N. Pri, Review of Matsumoto Bunzabur, Miroku jdo ron (Etude de la Terre-Pure de Maitreya), BEFEO vol. For, having taken up the baby, no more mention is made of Indra. For Mithil, the Tibetan has which usually translates the name of the city Mathura (AMV 10-11; LH 981.5-981.6; NT 961.2-961.3). The Twelfth Imam is not a Christian/biblical idea, but rather a concept in Shia Islam tied to Muslim beliefs about the end times. Tibetan and Edition A have Having compassion for all beings (, , AMV 29 n.1, LH 990.4, NT 969.2). The Lions Roar on the Turning of the Wheel Discourse (cakkavatti-shanda-sutta) in Maurice Wallace, tr., Thus Have I Heard: The Long Discourses of the Buddha (London: Wisdom Publications, 1987), p. 403. The lord of men will decorate that sacrificial post with various jewels. Answer (1 of 5): Maitreya is the Antichrist as in not Christ. 155Pja is the Indian ritual of honoring and worshipping a deity or a human seen as a deity. An announcement from the organization says that a great miracle will soon appear. See note 20. 105 (AMV 20); () (LH 986.6, NT 965.7). According to tradition, Asaga received teachings from Maitreya and recorded them in the Five Dharma Treatises of Maitreya, which form the basis for buddha-nature . Winternitz claims that this text was also known as the Meeting with Maitreya () which was written by the Vaibhika ryacandra who belonged to the same period as Avaghoa (c.80-c.150).13 Having done only minimal research, I wonder whether the title Meeting with Maitreya referred to a genre of texts that were prevalent in Central Asia around this time rather than a single, specific text. Maitreya is a bodhisattva who in the Buddhist tradition is to appear on Earth, achieve complete enlightenment, and teach the pure dharma. 109 (AMV 21); (LH 986.7, NT 966.2). From 1984, at 33 years old, He returned to Nepal, India, and Tibet/China; and in Northern California He established His Planetary Ashram allowing many hundreds of Monasteries to come under His Direct Mastery as Tulku Buddha . 147The text says, having made the prjali (/ , , AMV 27). The text of the has already been translated into French by Sylvian Lvi in 1932. 10This popular work has been translated many times. translates the name of the city Mathura (, The Sanskrit term more commonly refers to a type of family priest. In this context, following the modern English translations of the Tibetan, minister seems more apt (, (good Brhman), though in verse 42, we find. Stras which focus on Maitreya, such as the Maitreyavyakarana (Maitreya Prophecy) and The Sutra That Expounds the Descent of Maitreya Buddha (Taisho 454). The Meditation is available to at. The prophecy of the arrival of Maitreya refers to a time in . As ach is the goddess of jealousy whose father was an asura (demigod), one cannot help but wonder if the author of this text is purposefully alluding to Indras less than god-like attributes. a different form. A 1,200 year old Tibetan Buddhist prophecy of 'The Shambhala Warrior'. 94Edition A and Tibetan have the best of sages (AMV 19 n.1). The Maitreyavyakarana, also known as The Maitreya Prophecy, can possibly be said to have been fulfilled in our present day. Lvi (393) has and considering what the sacred formulas say (et en considrant ce que disent les Formules sacres). The future life of Maitreya as described by the Buddha in this text makes use of several of the elements of the Gautama Buddhas own hagiographymemorialized in the famous work, The Acts of the Buddha,10 by Avaghoa (c. 80-150 CE)but with notable differences. These will be Hearers who have cut off existence. Lvi for his translation relied on a manuscript from the H. P. Shastri Collection No. In particular the referent of all these () is vague. Maitreya is Maitreyavyakarana in Sanskrit for short. According to scriptures, Maitreya will be a successor to the present Buddha, Gautama Buddha (also known as kyamuni Buddha). Jambudvpa (the continent of Jambu [trees]) is one of the, continents surrounding Mount Meru. Conze, Edward (ed. 108 (AMV 20), probably the named after the constellation of the same name (MW 952.3). Publications de lInstitut Orientaliste de Louvain. Having first performed a sacrifice, he will offer it to the twice-born.81 (49), And82 upon his bestowing of the charming, bejeweled sacrificial post to them, [LH 985] the thousands of Brhmaas will immediately divided it [among themselves].83 (50), And having seen this transitoriness of the sacrificial post, Maitreya will contemplate the whole of cyclic existence, and he will long to go forth from home [in renunciation]. Attributes of Maitreya Buddha. ). Its sigla is AMV. 172 optative, middle, 3rd person singular of - to settle down, become clear. 395-405, particularly pp. A lay Buddhist rite of fasting on certain days of the month. The Tibetan of this sentence seems to diverge from the Sanskrit in AMV. . 452. Literally, desires, not eating, and old age. The translation borrows from Conze (238-239), Three kinds of illness only are known people must relieve their bowels, they must eat, they must get old, and Lvi (391) who has les besoins, linanition, la vieillesse., 28 (AMV 7; LH 980.3; NT 959.7). Thank you for reading and God Bless. Having done only minimal research, I wonder, a genre of texts that were prevalent in Central Asia around this time. 6. 31Roughly, 100 miles by 60 miles. The text focused on here, as the title makes explicit, concerns the prophecy of the future enlightenment of the Bodhisattva Maitreya. (Calcutta: University of Calcutta, 1933, rep. 1972), 277-294. , p. 272. People live longer; the world is vaster, and the Buddha comes from the highest class. Majumders edition of the Sanskrit text, pp. I am interpreting it as (=) plus (faultless). He also mentions an old Khotanese version of the Meeting with Maitreya (maitreyasamiti). He will be a great hero, raised to his station by the force of hundreds of meritorious deeds. Then he translates the equivalent of verse 27. Mais lui, peine n, parlera: Laisse, laisse, Mille-Yeux, et). In either case, the vignette seems distinctly out of place. According to MW (444.3) these are the Palmyra or Fan-palm trees (Borassus flabellifer). As with most Hindu myths, there are several versions. According to Nakamura, (Meeting with Maitreya) was composed in the 3rd century A.D. and was translated into Chinese by Kumrajiva (, In dating such texts obscured by the mists of, was probably written somewhere between the end of the 2. knowledge of Sanskrit which had languished for many years. 6/27. Lvi. In Scripture, fire can signify the Holy Spirit. Vol. Tibetan has when one thoroughly believes in (, LH 990.7, NT 969.4). After the destruction of N.Y.C. 35, * (AMV 8; LH 980.6; NT 960.4). Lvi (393) includes this line in his translation. , , , they will be those whose stream [of existence] has been severed, without grasping, and who have left the ocean of existence (, he Tibetan for the whole verse reads: Those who practiced the way of a, the teaching of Maitreya [will be] without negativity, without afflictive emotions, and without doubt (, , Tibetan and Edition A have Having compassion for all beings (, The truth body is one of the three bodies, of the Buddha, along with the enjoyment body. Shnen-Thieme, Renate. 62Tibetan says again and again or repeatedly (, LH 983.2, NT 962.5). Conze (238) similarly has when one jumps on it, it gives way, and becomes soft like the leaves of the cotton tree. They are interpreting as a continuative, whereas I am interpreting it as one of a pair of opposites: rising up () and sinking low (). Dutt, Nalinaksha. "Prophet Muhammad was asked who were the people of God referred to as 'another people,' who were to replace the Arabs. Avaghoa, and Patrick Olivelle. 23) = seized, filled, taken possession of, encompassed, 23). And Maitreya, guide and lord of the world, the meditative states, they will be in complete possession of joy and happiness, the true doctrine will remain on earth for 10,000 years.. The Asiatic Society manuscript of the text was written during the 57th year of Gopladeva of the Pla dynasty of Bengal. The prophecy given by Buddha gives a near to exact date of when the Maitreya will come. Edited by Sri Prabhas Chandra Majumder. Out of the 108 verses of the text only two are devoted to describing Maitreyas doctrine, and these are simply a summary of the Four Noble Truths. 11, 1911, 439-457. Gilgit manuscripts date between 400 to 600 C.E.8 This date range corresponds with the explosion of Great Vehicle epic literature such as the Mound of Jewels collection and the Garland of Buddhas collection.9 These texts describe a grandiose vision of the Buddhist cosmos that is full of an inestimable number of Buddhas and saints, replete with miracles, and populated by untold hosts of non-human beings. by Prabhas Chandra Majumder. NT Narthang edition of the Tibetan text of the Prophecy of the Superior Maitreya. At least as far as Benjamin Creme of Share International Organization, the one who professed Christ returned. Given the breadth of their knowledge and their agreement, they are most likely correct. illuminates to Maitreya the transitory, decaying nature of the world and prompts him to leave his home. Numbers in brackets without a sigla represent the page number from that same edition. 1. 171 (AMV 30), (LH 991.2, NT 969.6). Lvi (393) translates the negative as without stains (souillures); Conze (239), merely all pure. It was Buddha himself gave words of prophecy to Maitreya Bodhisattva for his destiny in Gridhrakut around Rajgir. (4), In his day, the oceans will dry up, receding 100 yojana20 along the shore, and that will become the highway of a world ruling king (cakravartin).21 (5), Jambudvpa22 in those days will be a plain 10,000 yojanas square,23 and will be an abode for all beings. Then, the teacher Maitreya, the highest of humans, looking down. It tells of the rising of regular people who wish to bring about great change and heal. For a brief but interesting discussion of the historical significance of the uposatha, see Sukumar Dutt, Buddhist Monks and Monasteries of India, 104-106. [10] More self-proclaimed Maitreyas . It is surprising he does not notice that the addition of the word would break the metre of the verse (anuubh, 4 verse of 8 syllables), but perhaps the text is so irregular in this regard such deviation is commonplace. Full references are listed in the Bibliography. by Prabhas Chandra Majumder (Calcutta: Calcutta Oriental Press, 1959). Lvi (394) also omits it, but Conze (240) has And he will win his enlightenment the very same day (sic.) The Tibetan does have (LH 985.3; NT 964.5), literally thinking thus. After this version the Tibetan translates verses 58 and 59 from the Sanskrit, but these will be translated in the Sanskrit order. (26), The minister48 of this king will be the brhmaa Subrahmaa.49 A very learned50 man who knows the four Vedas, he will be the kings teacher. 136The Tibetan includes flowers: (LH 988.6, NT 967.7). 174 (AMV 30) or (AMV 30 n. 4) The Tibetan is: (LH 991.3). Within the narrative it seems to be part of a trend to describe Maitreyas world as a step above Siddhrthas. It is found in the canonical literature of all Buddhist sects, and is accepted by . So for them () translated not as endowed with brightness but as having flags, or more creatively festooned.. Lvi (p. 396) has: In his path, they will make the ground as soft as cotton and cotton-padding, and they will spread in his way a variety of garlands (sur son chemin rendront le sol aussi doux que le coton et la ouate, et ils rpandront sur sa route des guirlandes varies). In the Formless Realm, one no longer even has a body, because such a person has achieved one of four even more rarified meditative stabilizations. 8Jeremy Norman, The Gilgit Manuscripts, the Oldest Manuscript Collection Surviving in Pakistan and India, (Accessed February 14, 2021). 42, (AMV 9; LH 981.3; NT 960.6-960.7). They will have eliminated obstacles. It looks most like a future causative, though for that would be . Moreover there will be pools in that city filled with blue lotuses and white water-lilies, and there will be marvelous parks and forests. as endowed with brightness but as having flags, or more creatively festooned.. This can also be translated I prophesy.. has already been translated into French by Sylvian Lvi in 1932. translated by Edward Conze in his collection, in order to refresh and practice my woefully inadequate knowledge of Sanskrit, but also with the motivation to provide a full, fresh English translation of this treatise for faith-based Buddhism, . (57), Seeing that the crowd is well-disposed,95 he will talk about the truths of suffering, the arising of suffering, and the transcendence96 of suffering.97 (58), Along with the peaceful, holy eightfold path that leads to the extinction [of sorrows] (nirva), and having listened attentively to that doctrine they will begin to progress in the teaching.98 (59), And99 in a garden covered in flowers, there will be a gathering. Tibetan has you will achieve great things (, 30, missing in edition A/Lvi). However, Lvi does not thoroughly source his argument, which seems primarily based on hypothetical reconstructions of Sanskrit titles from Chinese, and as the Tibetan is ambiguous enough to be read either way, I have chosen the translation that makes more sense contextually, following Yijing and Watanabe. In a garden filled with flowers, there will be a gathering. Homage to the Superior [LH 979] Maitreya!. We indeed wish to hear about this leader. (3) [4], Upon hearing that, the Fortunate One said, [NT 959] Listen as I explain19 to you the accomplishments of that excellent man, the Buddha Maitreya. Often the literal translation is the most exact, but sometimes idioms and metaphors and the more culturally specific forms of the language need a less restricted translation, Sanskrit words within an English translation unless those wordslike Buddha, nirva, and karmahave become. 39Majumder (AMV 9) reconstructs the Sanskrit as (these three pools, groves, and gardens) based on the Tibetan (which agrees with NT 960.6), apparently mistaking of (marvelous) for (three), possibly due to the misspelling, , in the NT. 100Approximately 311 to 764 miles, depending on the calculation of the size of a yojana. Common Buddhist lore is that in Maitreyas time in the future his tree of enlightenment will be the Nga-tree ( [AMV 18], [LH 985.2; NT 964.7). Early versions of such stories are found throughout the Buddhist canon, with birth-stories of the Buddha (jtakas, , ) being the most well-known example. The herald of the Cosmic Christ died peacefully as his home in Tufnell Park, north London in October 2016, at the age of 93. This fulfills another prophecy: He did not give himself the name Maitreya (and all His other names). However, the Tibetan translates the two uses as and . Most important and are the predictions made by Nostradamus, the 3 secrets of Fatima, the biblecode, 666 number of the beast, edgar cayce, visionaires, prediction of the coming third world war, all about the 2012 prophecy, Mayan prophecies, ufo stories and pictures, the Emerge of Maitreya, hebrew spelling, the coming of the 3th antichrist, a . The word which means collection, assembly but could possibly be an error for and so forthdoes not represent any of the Sanskrit, as far as I can tell. Rising and falling [according to ones needs], Sweet and fragrant rice will grow that requires no cultivation. 104Following edition A and the Tibetan: (AMV 20, n. 3) and (LH 986.5, NT 965.6). However, I am not quite clear on their meaning. 19 n. 3; Lvi 387 vv. On that road, they will lay out everywhere carpets as soft as cotton. 6; LH 980.2-980.3; NT 959.6-959.7). Sariputra, the great general of the doctrine, most wise and resplendent, from compassion for the world asked the Lord: 'Some time ago you have spoken to us of the future Buddha, who will lead the world at a future . You have been encompassed. Lvis transcription (386, v. 56) does not have this extra word. 91Edition A has: Its branches will extend six kroa on all sides. However, contextually it is redundant. . The concept of the four treasures is found in both Buddhism and Jainism. 151 (AMV 29). One of the earliest mention of Maitreya is a Sanskrit text, the Maitreyavyakarana (The Prophecy of Maitreya), stating that Gods, men and other beings will worship Maitreya and: "will lose their doubts, and the torrents of their cravings will be cut off: free from all misery they will manage to cross the ocean of becoming; and, as a result of Maitreya's teachings, they will . The Desire Realm is composed of six sub-realms where beings, primarily motivated by desire, are reborn, as gods, demigods, humans, animals, hungry ghosts, or hell beings. emphasis on faith and the descriptions of its potent efficacy. Out of the 108 verses of the text only two are devoted to describing Maitreyas doctrine, and these are simply a summary of the Four Noble Truths. Buddha Maitreya, the reincarnation of Jesus the Christ offers online OM Meditations accompanied by a short dharma teaching. he Tibetan is ambiguous enough to be read either way, more sense contextually, following Yijing. 95. Baha'is believe that Baha'u'llah, according "to the Hindus" is "the reincarnation of Krishna.". It is only upon penetrating the truth of existence (according to the Buddhists) that one is liberated from this cycle, The Sanskrit translates literally as Lord of aid/might, , while the Tibetan translates as Lord of bliss and so forth. (Of course, there are some exceptions like Tathgata, whose translation One-Gone-Thus is too cumbersome to be practical in English, In notes and elsewhere, I generally use the languages native script (Tibetan or Devangari) rather than transliteration. 135 (AMV 25). 99The Tibetan resumes the order of verses in the Sanskrit with (LH 986.2, NT 965.4). In: Lukas Pokorny and Franz Winter, eds. See note 20. 1, 4. The Tibetan has (LH 988.5, NT 967.6). We can see here one of the central issues that Buddhism struggled with during the early days of the Great Vehicle (and indeed since Buddhisms inception), namely how to can Buddhismwhich ostensibly demands renunciation of the householder life styleprovide a relevant and satisfying path of practice for the lay person. However, the Tibetans interpret it differently, translating as banner, flag, top ornament (), the other meaning. From the face of the sky celestial clothes and flowers will fall. Buddhist sects, and there will be a great hero, raised to station. ): Maitreya is the Indian ritual of honoring and worshipping a or. White parasol over the head of that [ boy ] and falling [ according to ones needs ], and. University of Calcutta, 1933, rep. 1972 ), literally thinking thus (. 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Fan-Palm trees ( Borassus flabellifer ) with/by the gods (, 30 missing..., merely all pure translates verses 58 and 59 from the Sanskrit order of Calcutta 1933! Calcutta: Calcutta Oriental Press, 1959 ) 981.3 ; NT 964.5 ), thinking... Resumes the order of verses in the canonical literature of all Buddhist sects, and there will be translated the! Makes explicit, concerns the prophecy of & # x27 ; the world and prompts him to leave home... Trend to describe Maitreyas world as a deity translation from the Sanskrit term more commonly refers to subsequent. De La Terre-Pure de Maitreya ), ( LH 986.2, NT 963.1 ) to! Benjamin Creme of Share International organization, the teacher Maitreya, the highest humans! Seems distinctly out of place this version the Tibetan translation ; NT )! The Superior [ LH 979 ] Maitreya! the baby, no more mention is made of Indra 3rd singular! The tree is a Bodhisattva who in the canonical literature of all Buddhist sects, there! Critical edition was compiled by Prabhas Chandra Majumder in 1959 banner, flag top. In a garden filled with flowers, there are several versions like a causative., is mainly based on the calculation of the has already been translated into by. Etude de La Terre-Pure de Maitreya ), merely all pure with most Hindu myths, there will a. Are the Palmyra or Fan-palm trees ( Borassus flabellifer ) of hundreds of meritorious deeds as here... Parasol over the head of that [ boy ] taken up the baby, no more mention is made Indra. In 1932 to bring about great change and heal 986.5, NT )! Has as a divinity ( comme une divinit ) can possibly be said to have been in... Probably written somewhere between the end of Maitreyas speech in the story in Tibetan! A garden filled with flowers, there will be translated in the Tibetan has the! Fasting on certain days of the Superior [ LH 979 ] Maitreya!,,... Pokorny and Franz Winter, eds the breadth of their knowledge and their agreement they. Lh 986.2, NT 965.6 ) of this sentence seems to be either. More sense contextually, following Yijing peine n, parlera: Laisse, Laisse, Laisse,,. A great hero, raised to his station by the force of hundreds of meritorious deeds ]! 164 ( AMV 29 n.1, LH 990.7, NT 965.6 ) any of these rebirths is exhausted 104following a... Best of sages ( AMV 23 n. 2 ) enough to be part of a yojana blue and!

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