lochnagar nz route
The climb is steep in places, but generally good going with only brief scrambles. 0xd22ACB646619eAeb57A954a1Da45E6bCD41B9edB Follow the screen terrace east of pt2000 and into the basin at the head of Pine Creek. For us it was an easy stroll to Branches Station. It needs recutting. You are responsible for your own safety. Return to homepage, Already a subscriber? Lochnagar & Conachcraig come what May - damn you Judith! Mountaineagle on Loch Muick with a different take on it. Become a Patron! Take the uphill one. The hut hadn't been visited for 3 months. 20% of every membership sold contributes towards the costs of running NZ Topo Map. Follow the infant Pine Creek around the basin and as it begins to exit the basin through a gorge leave the stream and climb gently to the southeast up the only easy slope north of Peak 2000. Follow this across the flat floor of Glen Muick, soon crossing a bridge over the River Muick. With different times of year, photo opportunities and adventurous couples. We found an animal trail around 1300m which took us over a shoulder and down to the head of the basin where multiple tributaries of the Tyndall Stream join at the 1260m contour line as recommended for the crossing in Moir's Guide North. Continue along the track to the Spittal of Glen Muick, where there is a small wooden visitor centre and public toilets. Contact us The bank drops you down to Snowy Creek and in dry conditions is relatively straight forward. These are broad desolate gravel and ice flats. There is fantastic camping at small exposed beaches at the southern tip of the lake, 20 minutes from the hut, at about CA10 519 521. Via Shotover Saddle, Shotover River or Rees or Snowy Saddles. This soon descends into the upper section of the Glas Allt glen. From there it is an easy tussock descent to the Snowy, with amazing views of the hanging glacier opposite the whole way. You can unsubscribe from these at any time. The two routes given are by far the most popular options today. Distance: 9.5km away An alpine crossing of a saddle between 2 major river valleys. When you have enabled cookies, you can refresh this page and continue reading. From here the fun beginsbe very careful to locate a cattle track which is narrow but overgrown. From there we would move on to Snowy Creek, Dart Hut and Cascade Saddle as we circled back to the Matukituki. Questions? Further upstream, we lost and refound the track which takes you to a cairn (E40 663 173) up from the bank where a gentle isolated spur leads down to the true left of the Shotover just at the margin where Junction Flat begins. NZ Topo Map makes no commitment to update the information or materials on this web site which, as a result, may be out of date. From the top forks of the main stream of Twenty-Five Mile Stream head up Rough Creek. What must normally be a little stream was still flooded from earlier rainfall. There is a recently built sleeping platform with a 2 person mattress still in its original protective plastic wrapping. ), White Mounth Munros - Fail. . Staying on the true left of the Shotvover for the rest of the trip, the only challenge was in climbing over the little knob marked Pt706 by Greenland Spur. A Munro? using a map and compass. Old style musterers hut yet rebuilt in 1990. In Summer the 300 meter route is classified as a 'Moderate' (approx. Keep up to date with new features and updates by following NZ Topo Map on Twitter -, Or get more detailed updates by following. Please consider joining or donating to the local riding association to support trail development & maintenance. This was beyond what our group felt comfortable with as the consequence for falling / slipping is extremely high. Park at the large car park at the end of the public road up Glen Muick; there is a charge. Complimentary bottle of Champagne. We found ourselves travelling around the 1300m line but I believe there is better benching down lower but possibly more scrub. Email addresses are not made available to the public. The scrub above the gorge is diabolical. Access from the Rees via Twenty Five Mile Creek is through Rees Valley Station. The ledge leads to easier terrain on to the saddle between Peaks 1896 and 1865 where Lochnagar can be viewed. Part of our complimentary holiday package was a ride out to Skippers Canyon the next morning. Colors indicate trail is missing specified detail. All other share settings are ignored, map centers on. O! To our dismay, there was no way through the creek bed, which narrowed into a wild gorge. 1,554m. Hiking info, trail maps, and trip reports from Lochnagar (2,316 m) in New Zealand Explore a map showing huts, tracks, and more. No public access up Twenty Five Mile Creek without permission from Rees Valley Station. 4 - (NO 25035 85763) Head up the scree to the left flank of the ridge, aiming for a long groove split with cracked walls. It was finally time to get our feet wet. Met a girl on Monday, took her for a drink on Tuesday Lochnagar - Spectacular Sunrise from 1155m, A solo walk and a frosty high camp, White Mounth Munros. Get in touch with us today and we can chat about options and availability. The slope soon eases off and it's a further gentle climb on up the broad ridge around Point 1950. The peaks on the skyline are Little Lochnagar (2268m), Lochnagar (2316m), Cleft Peak (2250m) On the Snowy Creek route out of Lochnagar. Trailforks users anonymized public skilogs from the past 12 months. The path passes a memorial to Bill Stuart, a climber who died on the cliffs in 1953. Toggle Navigation. Become a Patron! Lochnagar and Loch Mulck Circular. Think of this as a heatmap, more rides = more kinetic energy = warmer colors. NZ Topo Map will only use personal information provided for the purpose of: NZ Topo Map may collect statistical information about your visit to help improve the site. Send Monero address to your wallet. NZ Topo Map reserves the right to remove any information from the web site at any time. For a second landing, we love pairing it with locations like Coromandel Peak, Tyndall Glacier or Vanguard Peak. Please be patient while the PDF is generated, especially with larger page sizes. The route is steep, exposed,and, above the farmland, entirelyon snow grass which would be treacherous in anything but ideal conditions. Information provided here is not warranted for accuracy and is provided for planning purposes only. You are responsible for your own safety. The route to Lochnagar turns up the track to the right here. You can use the site without disclosing any personal information. Anyway, Lochnagar is a spectacular, isolated lake surrounded by mountains and filled with the clearest waters. Moirs talks about climbing up high, but the area above the stream is covered in fearsome looking bluffs. Unnamed peak 2308m on the right Share your report for the chance to win gear every month. Scree slopes lead to a dry stream bed which provides good travel down for several hundred meters (the stream bed later becomes the stream shown on the map at CA11 525 536 which drops to the lake although in Feb 2016 it was dry the whole way down). Old style musterers hut yet rebuilt in 1990. Please let us know by clicking here. Theres an ill-defined route with markers leading through the bush which we had a hard time following. Lochnagar was climbed by Queen Victoria, who wrote of the summit 'But alas! Okayyoure starting to see a pattern here we honestly love everylocation we adventure to!! You have to go through two sets of bluffs. Nothing whatever to be seen; and it was cold, and wet, and cheerless.' Instead, you can drop down to the northeast down a very steep snow grass bank between a smaller line of bluffs. Send Bitcoin address to your wallet, Ethereum address: The map series printed will depend upon the size of the area selected. Hard 4.5 (130) Cairngorms National Park. a narrow rocky ledge is the easiest route through. Read our communityvalues, New Zealand Tramper + contributors 2023. 3 fit, capable and young trampers found themselves well out of there depths. Read our communityvalues, New Zealand Tramper + contributors 2023. From the junction with Twenty-Five Mile Stream, follow the true left of Rough Creek to just above its forks then up steep tussock and slabs of the north-west face. Open start point in Google Maps for directions. See our Winter Skills page for basic information on the essential skills, techniques and knowledge needed for winter hillwalking. Walkers should take note that this is a long and arduous journey, so exercise all precautions and come prepared with all of the necessary gear/supplies for such a trip. Above the Ladder the slope eases onto the plateau. F4a/b) and in Winter it is generally a Scottish grade II climb. NZ Topo Map strives to provide you with useful, accurate, and timely information on this web site. Overlook the large rocky basin at the head of Pine Creek. From Rees Saddle climb to the southeast past a couple of small tarns (good camping) and make your way to where you can observe the stream shown on the map. The ridge line shown on the map dropping south from Peak 1865 is very rocky and bluffy higher up, keep to its edge on the grass. Original fireplace but use with care. Established campsites, from crowded urban to remote backcountry. The top of the spur bluffs out but simply sidle to the right beneath the bluffs until around them and then climb straight up on steep scree. You may choose to disclose personal information to NZ Topo Map when you give feedback or in submission forms. Established campsites, from crowded urban to remote backcountry. Your donation will help cover the ongoing hosting and bandwidth costs required to keep this free service up and running. Send Bitcoin address to your wallet, Bitcoin address (Legacy): The path was easy to miss on the descent, I ended up traipsing through a bog and then cycling down a stream before I decided this probably wasnt the intended route. By early February the snow shown on the map is almost all gone so it is an easy descent. There is a recently built sleeping platform with a 2 person mattress still in its original protective plastic wrapping. Keep an eye on your inbox for our newsletters. return false; From the junction with Twenty-Five Mile Stream, follow the true left of Rough Creek and then climb into the head of the north branch of Rough Creek. Register now to receive access to more articles**. It could save you hours. Some people tackle the whole horseshoe and all 5 Munros in the one day. Those who have been before us were brave, those that go after us good luck . The GPS clocked in at 28km from Lochnagar. Wed just ambled the few kilometres from the road-end car park through the verdant Matukituki Valley. Car park at Spittal of Glen Muick. NZ Route Guides | Route | Lochnagar Hut to Rees Saddle via Snowy Creek From Lochnagar Hut to Rees Saddle via Snowy Creek View Distance: 12.7 km (8.0 DOC hours) - Unmarked route, clear - Moderate terrain Altitude: 1121m to 1953m. Lochnagar and more, from Auchallater, What a day! Thus eight people accompanied by a million sandflies had their respective dinners in a hut for four. NZ Topo Map relies heavily on advertising revenue to cover its ongoing hosting and bandwidth costs. The terrain is easily travelled and the level of travel is not crucial as long as you are above the scrub and avoid steep micro exposed locations. The peaks on the skyline are Little Lochnagar (2268m), Lochnagar (2316m), Cleft Peak (2250m) On the Snowy Creek route out of Lochnagar. Capel Mounth and Loch Muick Circular Walk, Crathie, Easter Balmoral and Cairns Circular Walk, Glen Clova, Mayar and Driesh Circular Walk. A list of compatible devices and instructions for copying files to your device is available from Garmin. Not all aerial wires, cableways and obstructions that could be hazardous to aircraft are shown on this map. Prior permission is required to cross their land. It was also featured in a poem by Lord Byron, ending with the following lines:England thy beauties are tame and domesticTo one who has roved on the mountains afarOh! Foot trail not always obvious but by locating standards, you will be able to keep to the track. Surprise snow on Lochnagar; late return in darkness! Staying with the track, turn away from the water, then go left at a junction. get an Embed link and change the "embed" to "download" in the url, Offline mobile maps when used through apps like. Beyond pt1950 is the vast Snowy Creek valley. Loss: 1294m . Ready to start planning your own adventure? Map imagery when developing your own website maps & apps. Our story is not half as interesting as it would have been had everything worked out as planned and we had not so badly misjudged travel times and the terrain. Hear pronunciation Press to hear pronunciation. Pass above the minor gorge of Clais Rathadan and curve round to the right. This weeks video takes us up to the infamous Cascade Saddle on a 4 day hike. Edit- I didn't want to delete Honora'sroute guide about wrong Spurs As of Feb 2016 the route down from Shotover Saddle is snow poledthe whole way down. This track is not cairned at all initially but has the occasional strip of insulation tape. ** By registering you are signing up to our Wilderness Daily newsletter and monthly New Issue Alert newsletter. We later heard from the trampers at Lochnagar Hut that they had to wait nearly two hours for water to drop sufficiently to cross Shiel Burn with their bikes on their backs. 1FrcAJbfY5jg1MfbaYpYn24MHRkdi7SFSB Click within an area to get map sheet details and download links. Click a map sheet area on the map to see the download options. If you're finding the NZ Topo Map service useful please consider donating, no matter how small, it's greatly appreciated. Lochnagar is one of the most celebrated of the Munros, a pointed summit rising high above one of Scotland's most beautiful corries. Cross the saddle onto the faces above Pine Creek to the north. Where Lake Creek is crossed, there is an easily operated flying fox if the river is up. It was immortalised in verse by Lord Byron. Where the forest meets the grassy bank by the river is a Illegible metal sign hanging from a bush (Feb 2016)indicatingthe start of a historic heavily overgrowntrail lightly permalotmarkedleading after 20 minutes ascent to the bottom of a narrow stream in a rocky shallow gully. Looking for somebody to go tramping with? The well-trodden farm track led to a flying fox that got us across safe, sound and, most importantly, dry. We were not sure if this was an attempt at backcountry humour but we were happy for the distraction. Allan Uren & John Cocks Scree slopes lead to a dry stream bed which provides good travel down for several hundred meters (the stream bed later becomes the stream shown on the map at CA11 525 536 which drops to the lake although in Feb 2016 it was dry the whole way down). Take a shortcut directly upstream to gain the 4WD track after crossing the Shotover at the recommended ford shown on the map. From here, simply rock hop around the corner on the lake shore to reach the 2nd beach or around a further corner to reach the 3rd. Lochnagar, Queenstown - Mountain Weddings. The wild waters of Lake Creek and dark clouds further up the valley warned of a forecasted front coming in from the west. There is a great gearing up spot just at the base of the groove. Trailforks scans ridelogs to determine the last time a trail was ridden. Walking routes to Lochnagar usually begin from Loch Muick's beautiful surroundings, either from the Spittal of Glenmuick or from Glas-allt-Shiel, where an open bothy can be found in an outbuilding around the back of the regal lodge. Out to Skippers Canyon the next morning urban to remote backcountry obstructions that be. Distance: 9.5km away an alpine crossing of a forecasted front coming from... For accuracy and is provided for planning purposes only here we honestly love everylocation we adventure to! generally Scottish! 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