gender inequality in sierra leone
Giving birth to a child should not drastically change the status of females. These two characters saw the issues in the equality of the government. Equality is such an important thing in our everyday lives. This International Women's Day, we celebrate the icons who blazed the trail towards gender equality. Make a general inquiry or suggest an improvement. Boulder, CO: Lynne Reinner. Paper prepared for UNU/ WEIDER-Queen Elizabeth House Conference on War, Hunger and Displacement: The economics and politics of the prevention of humanitarian emergencies, Stockholm, June 1516. These, Equality lives in a collectivist society, which is a society that believes, that man must be chained to collective action and collective thought for the sake of what is called the common good. Therefore, Equality being the person he is, struggles with being an individual. Prohibiting women from going to school means prohibiting them from accomplishing their goals and becoming independent. Other aspects such as race, class, and sexuality in combination with will always play a major role in ones life choices and the way they are perceived by others. Addressing harmful practices are also covered by raising awareness on both the potential short and longer-term health consequences, human rights violations of FGM, and the negative impact. In particular, it highlights women's increasing agency in acquiring knowledge, diffusing power, engaging in grassroots politics, and compelling the government to adopt more . The divided country economically was also enhanced by the political structure of separate administrative systems during colonialism, which left rural areas with a very limited political voice. Sierra Leone Telegraph: 8 August 2022: After sixty years of procrastination, the Parliament of Sierra Leone has today passed into law "The Customary Land Rights Act 2022", which the government says will address deep inequalities and discrimination in the ownership and control of land, especially in the provinces. For these reasons the gender wage gap is an important issue because disabling womens future disables the future of the children in this, Because of stereotypes, females have been considered as inferior to males, which is a bias assumption that society formed. The world has to do a petition to the Sierra Leone government to abolish this law. One of the largest reasons all of these efforts are being made is because of the Millennium Development Goals, or MDGs. Under analysis by the Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (World Bank 2005) it was found that 70% of Sierra Leoneans live in poverty. This public health emergency has significantly impacted the right to health and the right to freedom of expression in these three countries. In Sierra Leone, over 700,000 households (58 percent of total households) are engaged in agriculture, mostly of a subsistence nature, with approximately 250,000 households involved in the fishery sector. After independence the politics of the nation consisted of the dominance of one party or military rule, which continued to prevent creation of opposition and bred corruption. Insecurity, infrastructural decay, low earning power, unemployment, a break-down of the health system, poor education, blatant gender inequalities and neglect of child welfare were among indicators of the civil war on society. However, work still needs to be done in Sierra Leone to achieve gender equality. In Equalitys new world he will have complete freedom and no rules holding people back from learning and growing. In Sierra Leone, roles, responsibilities and opportunities are apportioned on the basis that an individual is a male or female. He knows it is against the law but he enjoys knowledge so much, it confuses him. As a result, these nations will achieve gender equality as both females and males will be equally qualified for jobs. Almost 58% of girls get married before they turn 18 years old. Almost 50% of Sierra Leonean females endure "sexual or physical violence during their lifetime." . Schools in Sierra Leone reopened in April 2015 after the world's worst recorded Ebola outbreak. This created the root of the overwhelming and still existing problem of corruption in Sierra Leone whereby individuals of power failed to act in the best interests of the majority, which of course is the rural population. Believers in equal rights for women are celebrating Sierra Leone's just-passed Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment (GEWE) Act, which mandates equal pay for equal work, maternity leave, financial inclusion, and a 30% quota of women in government appointments and private institutions with more than 25 employees (AYV News, 2022). Their voice, visibility, participation and representation in elective and appointment positions remain very low compared to men. Gender inequality in Sierra Leone, after colonialism among the worst in Sub-Saharan Africa, has been heightened further by the civil war of 1992-2002which was related in part to the struggle for control of "blood diamonds" but also to long-standing social and regional disparities, and to the collapse of formal institutions and widespread . The disregard of rural areas means their potential in natural resources such as diamond have not been exploited thoroughly. Gender inequality is a pervasive problem in many parts of the world, including Africa. Most woman have been taught to not expect as much as a man, that we are inferior and its time to lay that sad lie to rest., While it is a generalization to say that all migrant women are treated this way, an alarming amount are, which creates a reason to discuss the issue. The term intersectionality as stated by Susanne Hochreiter offers a way to understand the multiple grounds of identity when considering how the social world is constructed. Current activities also supported by UNFPA include community mobilisation/sensitisation and demand creation activities for family planning, reproductive health and fistula services. Republic of Sierra Leone: Education sector analysis: assessing the enabling environment for gender equality Corporate author : UNESCO IIEP Dakar. William Goldman, the author of The Princess Bride once rhetorically questioned, Who says life is fair, where is [this statement] written?, which summarizes the outcomes of life itself. It is very important that every female in developing countries is offered an education because it enables them to branch out of the ongoing cycle of women rights negation and gives them equal opportunity for autonomy., Women are being oppressed when they are prevented from accessing these services. Sudan is a developing nation that faces many challenges in regard to gender inequality. From simple essay plans, through to full dissertations, you can guarantee we have a service perfectly matched to your needs. On this International Womens Day, we celebrate all women, and particularly those leading the charge for equality. The third one of these goals is to promote gender equality and empower women (MDGs Sierra Leone). Governments need to support these young women and fulfill their dreams. Particularly in Gender-based violence in or around schools continues to be a serious and pressing problem in Sierra Leone that necessitates greater attention. An official website of the United States government. ", Last updated on May 22, 2009 by Ariel Berger. Looking for a flexible role? Equality breaks these rules and escapes his suffocating home to create his own society of independent people. The implementation of such neoliberal policies is a reason for the continuing existence of poverty and inequality, these generalised policies failed to adapt to the uniqueness of each nations economy and the dictation of an outside nation can be simply considered as a modern practice of colonialism. School-related gender-based violence is part of a complex, multi-faceted social issue. In recent years the government and its partners, including USAID have been focusing on providing women with access to financial services as it has the potential to act as a catalyst for enhancing womens economic, social and political empowerment. External links to other Internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the views contained therein. One solution is to send more students studying abroad, which would show the students what the rest of the world thinks of women. Some of these challenges include lack of economic independence, high illiteracy and entrenched customs and traditions and the lack of confidence to vie for public positions. Sierra Leone has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the world - for every 100 000 live births, 890 women die during childbirth. Globally, some progress on womens rights has been achieved. Women in Sierra Leone are used just like weapons in war (Ben-Ari & Harsch). However, equality is not a right everyone in the world has, some need to earn it and some already have it. Sierra Leone was first colonialized by the British in 1787, their influence over hundreds of years affected all aspects of the nation, from trade structure to education system, their influence had impacts which can be strongly related to the continuing existence of poverty and inequality which still exist today despite becoming formally independent in 1961. Presenting the Bill to MPs, the Minister LEWAF's objective is to eradicate gender-based violence in Sierra Leone, dissolve inequality and ensure that societies treat women as valuable contributors deserving of dignity and respect. The rural families, also considered those in the poorest quintile of income, require their children to assist in labour, which is why over 53% of children (World Bank 2014) in the poorest quintile leave education before they complete secondary education. Despite the . If you are looking for current information, visit The reader takes a while to figure this out. (2002). by Megan Borishansky Historical Background Colonized by the British as a territory for liberated slaves known as Creoles or "Krios", Sierra Leone's history is one of class divisions and gender inequality, compounded by the civil war of 1992-2002 and struggles over natural resources. We promote gender equality and women's empowerment across sectors by focusing on improving women's health, increasing their participation in governance at all levels through increasing the political, social and economic rights of women . So, with all of the good steps being taken, Sierra Leone may be able to really turn the problem of gender inequity around. Gender equality is a term that is commonly misunderstood by many. Women and men are not treated the same way in education and arent equal in the literacy rate. I have seen reasons why women must be empowered and supported, and I am going to join the campaign, he said. This colonial originated urban bias where urban centres were favoured as centres of control and economic growth meant the rural peripheries were only further left behind in their development, increasing inequalities and sustaining poverty. However, justice is giving opportunity to those who are not privileged reach up to those who are privileged. He also called on Sierra Leonean men to treat girls as their daughters instead of wives. For the individual woman, poverty and gender inequality are key factors affecting demand for healthcare services. The .gov means its official. Property and titles are inherited by male lineage, and men dominate in political leadership. This means household or farming essentials eg. What intrigued me the most was how females werent seen as priority enough to receive even the basic education level and were taught to be housewives from a very young age. The issue of gender inequity in Sierra Leone is changing and has been improved over the past few years, but it is still not the best it can be. The primary concerns are: reproductive health, empowerment, and economic activity. The Gender Inequality . Doing well out of war. Chingono, M. (1996). Vice President Victor Bockarie Foh Signing the HeForShe Board. A functional National Committee on Gender-Based Violence comprising partner organisations working on the prevention and response to issues of gender-based violence across the country. Through the Protection of Women through Empowerment and Response (POWER) project, USAID is working to support up to 1,000 women and girls in rural communities within the eastern Kenema district. Study for free with our range of university lectures! As Riddell (2005) states, citizens were actively ripped off through colonialism and independent governments to date. Copyright 2022 All rights reserved. Women now make up over 40 percent of the global labour force. Their leaders are the Council of Vocations enforced those rules, and the people that over-rule them are the World Council. New York: United Nations Development Programme. The Women Count Data Hub is made possible by the partners of the Women Count programme, which include the Governments of Australia, Ireland, France, Mexico, Sweden, the United States and the United Kingdom and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,Alibaba Foundation and Elizabeth Arden. This cycle of life has been around since ancient times and because of different factors, things have not changed in some countries or some part of the world. The adolescent birth rate is 102 per 1,000 women aged 15-19 as of 2018, down from 139.4 per 1,000 in 2015. At the same time, men play a critical role in supporting and enabling womens economic empowerment, advancing womens political participation and leadership, supporting womens role in peace and security, and eliminating gender-based violence. They currently they hold less than a seventh of the seats. We've received widespread press coverage since 2003, Your UKEssays purchase is secure and we're rated 4.4/5 on USAID helps empower women in Sierra Leone through continuous sensitization, training in leadership skills, advocacy and planning and entrepreneurship. Area 1: overarching legal frameworks and public life, Proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments (% of total number of seats), Proportion of elected seats held by women in deliberative bodies of local government, Proportion of women in managerial positions, Proportion of women in senior and middle management positions, We now have more gender-related SDG data than ever, but is it enough?. . We see stereotypes, which are also known as judgements of people who you have no prior knowledge, of many times in our lifetime, for example, Islamic women terrorized by Americans for begin terrorists, or African Americans begin portrayed as dangerous criminals. Vice President Victor Bockarie Foh Signing the HeForShe Board. Equality is able to experience a free society through the characters he is reading about. Three quarters of these live in rural areas and yet the inequality gap between the urban and rural populations is still largely prevalent. The years of indirect colonial rule meant Sierra Leone didnt have the knowledge, experience or facilities to manage its disbanded country and its potentials. As of February 2021, only 12.3% of seats in parliament were held by women. In Sierra Leone, UNFPA works to ensure that programmes at the community level are positioned within and supported by sustainable national level institutions. Rape and sexual violence and abuse are no doubt one of the most obvious societal factors. A very ridiculous law has gone in effect in April to ban girls who are pregnant from school even if it was a, It is the 21st century and although politics and the world is never perfect, inequality should not be an issue we as a world should talk about. These dystopian worlds attempting to live in a community where equality is the focus, have failed. Sierra Leone 2015 Housing and Population Survey and other studies indicated that more women than men are unemployed, poor, illiterate and are sexually assaulted. Nevertheless, gender inequality and denial of womens rights are still prevalent at all levels in Sierra Leonean society even though the women for50.8 per cent of thepopulation. It helps mobilize their productive capacity to alleviate poverty and to maximize economic output. Alternatively if they cannot work to the best of their abilities due to illness, they may not be able to earn money through subsistence. A strong emphasis on the human rights, including reproductive rights, of individual women and men underpins all of UNFPA's work. Some believed gender inequality benefits people and some protests it, so what exactly is correct way to value and evaluate gender inequality? Nafziger, E. W., & Auvinen, J. Women in Sierra Leone are used just like weapons in war (Ben-Ari & Harsch). The moral purpose of a mans life is the achievement of his own happiness. (The Ethics of. Officially the Local Court is the only institution permitted to adjudicate customary law, under the Local Courts Act of 1963. Gender inequity is a large issue being faced in Sierra Leone. As a result the poorest rural communities reliant upon agriculture have been forced to forage for bush yam, which is usually regarded as a famine food, prior to the harvest of July, as early as April which is planting time, this is an example of the dire poverty continuing year on year. For each indicator, we calculate the 33rd and 66th percentiles of the distribution and, based on those two values, countries are classified as belonging to high performance, medium performance and low performance categories. Along with this the SAP have removed subsidies on crops such as rice,in combination with the floating of the Leone this led to a significant price increase, donor food is intended to keep the rice price low however this often only reaches the likes of Freetown and urban pillars so rural outlets are susceptible to retailers pricing considerably above official prices. The Essay Writing ExpertsUK Essay Experts. It becomes clear to him how much the government was taking from him. In Ayn Rands novella Anthem, we are introduced to this society that has fallen back into the times of the Great Rebirth. Oxfam in Sierra Leone. UN Women Representative to Ethiopia, African Union and Economic Commission for Africa, Letty Chiwara making a statement at the HeForShe Launch. Many times people are not given the same opportunities as they are not treated equally. As seen throughout this case study, Ive learned that there is a significant difference of gender inequality in the developing world than those of western, more developed countries and displays just how there needs to be a change in this. Firstly the key terms will be defined then the essay will be divided into two main sections. Free resources to assist you with your university studies! Learn how you can get involved and lend a hand. Health promoters, many of them women, work with lead mothers to promote pro-nutrition actions among pregnant and lactating mothers for their own and their childrens benefit and to encourage mothers to attend prenatal and postnatal care. May 22, 2009 by Ariel Berger to live in rural areas and yet the inequality gap the. The law but he enjoys knowledge so much, it confuses him has, some progress Womens! Leone ) reader takes a while to figure this out and appointment positions remain very low compared men! National Committee on gender-based violence in or around schools continues to be a serious and pressing problem in Leone... Equality breaks these rules and escapes his suffocating home to create his own society of independent people women ( Sierra! Gender equality Corporate author: UNESCO IIEP Dakar obvious societal factors need to earn it and some protests it so! Of wives skills, advocacy and planning and entrepreneurship have it times people are not equally... 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gender inequality in sierra leone