dorothy hodel
Thanks for your thoughtful response Steve. On 07 December 1940, she married George Hill Hodel in Sonora, Mexico. To this day a part of me loves the Dr. Jekyll, the good doctor, the man who gave me being and whose blood flows through my own. Everything is revealed in the light of eternity. Perhaps Deborah fell by changing her name to Fauna would help her get more love from her mother? His IQ clocked in at 186. As far as mothers divorce actually it never really came up and I was nine when dad was arrested, but never really knew about the arrest and trial as a young boy of nine. It is all about Steve Hodel. Once again, thank you for your candor Steve. And Dorothy (who started going by Dorero, or "Dorarro," as Fauna spells it in her memoir) did do her best to caution Jimmie Lee and Fauna about George's sordid ways. I just wish we knew more about stopping these crimes before they start. When others listen to Root of Evil my bothers statements bear out mine, as to the warped relationship she keep with George. Amanda: The world needs to see more Japanese Magnolia Blossoms like you, Steve. In missing this detail, fans failed to realize this story was less about the central murder case of the Black Dahlia and more about the . Now real linkage or evidence, but then my book, Black Dahlia Avenger came out two years later and presented real evidence and the secret DA files showing George Hodel was the No.1 suspect all along and the top brass all separately and in secret claimed the case was solved and Dr. Hodel did it Harnisch, abandoned by Det. Was she masochistic to a fault? She never achieved her goal there at that time. 4) Beverly Hills doctor linked to Morals case. I have always wondered how Tamars relationship with your father resumed after the incest trial. , In this opening introduction, Tamar presents me with the details of her teenage pregnancy and exactly how it happened and what followed during her placement in an unwed mothers home., Tamar gives us the true story of how once she was hospitalized, a very kind and loving Black man offered to help meoffered to marry me, but authorities refused. Yes, smarter than both Huston and Hodel. I applaud you for continuing to fight for justice for all of Georges victims. Let me take a moment to say on the one hand, I wish you comfort, love and peace for some very tough experiences in your life path where you were in the front row seat. Although the Hodel family has many more skeletons than other families, you all are dealing with this by acknowledging, acceptance and healing. While the show is primarily centered on the infamous unsolved Black Dahlia (Elizabeth Short) murder case of 1947, I Am The Night was originally titled One Day She'll Darken after the 2008 memoir One Day She'll Darken: The Mysterious Beginnings of Fauna Hodel.. The brief accounting I listened to when you appeared on Dr. I dont know if you ever checked-out the very sad and troubling story of Skylar Neese who was murdered by her two 16 year old friends. Grandfather, REALLY twisted her mind & values. Mike, Kelvin and I just assumed she got a divorce something in the early Fifties and no questions asked. I imagine it must have been so hard for you, many times throughout your life, to keep up faith in what is good. I remember reading about her daughters being so glad that her story was finally going to be told on screen after Faunas passing and I was truly disappointed when I finally watched IATN. I dont know? )for that specific linkage. I understand this story is a part of your history (and it sounds like your childhood was difficult in many ways) so it gives me pause to describe it as a captivating and fascinating mystery. Its most unfortunate that your life is marred by so many scars; of pain, suffering, and the knowledge that your father is not what you expected him to be. Its confusing because of the two Faunas. Thank you for telling your story! All I and my brothers knew was we were placed in Page Military Academy, and then about six months later, mom came and got us out and we moved to Palm Springs. Steve, a good mother will lie cheat and steal if it means that her actions will ultimately protect her children. 6 dates from 1950. Their term, not mine. The blossom has only to open up and let him in, C. Crow, C. Crow: Only fleeting as it passes to the next. I began reading BDA because, like so many, I was always fascinated with the Black Dahlia murder. I wonder how many people realize that beyond the entertainment and fascination, that this is a RARE insight into human nature and behavior, and also life itself. You have more than enough sense. Christina: I attempt to examine and present many of the triggers for this in my separate books. I had to talk to him for her sake when she they had a falling out, and only talk to me for her. I know that because of your diligence, there is reward for you in the eternal. As indicated in my followup books, Buster a cadaver dog alert to numerous locations for human remains. I hope you are okay. This is just my opinion, but I think that higher intellectual people often want to explore and learn about human nature and aspects of life that are outside the generic norms. Per editor and journalist Chuck Lane, who learned all to well, its called fact-checking, not fraud-checking, and one often assumes that another is telling the truth. Those two words are rarely part of any good faith communication. Donald Trump. In 1940, she was 29 years old and lived in San Francisco, California, with her daughter. My greatest pleasure and reward comes from knowing that readers like you really get it. Best to you and yours. When Dorothy Hodel was questioned by investigators in 1950, she was living over a bait shop on Santa Monica Pier. But he also had a wild side and was well known in the Surrealist art scene, as well as the party and S&M scenes. steve. Related Article But, by following the evidence I was forced to come to the slow realization that he was in fact guilty of that crime and more to my horror multiple serial crimes in LA. Assume you are referring to the below paragraph. Oh, you people, you people. Yes, she was a true poet. Dear Sir, I have immense respect for you. In The Mesquite New Clue Revealed: A Reader Discovers the Killers Taunting Purloined Letter Clue Lying in Plain Site, A Sharp-Eyed Reader Discovers a Major New Thoughtprint Further Linking George Hodel to the IN THE MESQUITE 1938 Double Murders of Hazel and Nancy Frome. Best to you and yours. Such a tragic life. Regards. In the book, Dr. Hodel is alleged to have been a sadistic murderer of. Bob: During our interview with Dr. Oz (or possibly it was Dr Phil, I forget which show) Rasha told the viewing public that she believed her grandmother, Tamar Hodel (my half-sister) was, Pure Evil. I corrected her on the spot and attempted to explain that Tamar was a teenage victim of incest and sexual abuse at the hands of our father, which subsequently caused her to spin out of control and make some major bad choices as she grew from a teen into adulthood. Deborah is Tamars daughter, my niece fathered by Folksinger Stan Wilson, who changed her name to Fauna II some years later. If they look at it they will have to conclude as I have shown, that LAPDs two greatest heroes, Chiefs William H. Bill Parker and Chief of Detectives Thad Brown, did in fact, participate in a cover-up by not pursuing their known/identified suspect, Dr. George Hill Hodel. Meagan: No, it happened. Steve, where in Donegal does your mums family come from ?Im fascinated here in Donegal lol., Hodel Investigations Adds New Partner to Detective Agency: Rima, a Detective Trainee Will Be Working the Phones and Data Searches Starting Mid January 2023, Surrealist Artist William Copley Reveals Black Dahlia Clew Number 7- Man Rays Lovers Lips. You are truly an inspiration and a reminder that there are always people on the good side of the fight, no matter how difficult that may be. Having never watched Chinatown, I caught it on cable a few weeks ago. Much appreciated. Through reading your book I have become so fascinated with all the different layers that become evident as the investigation progresses -the history, the location of places, the people, the family dynamic, the corruption in the LAPD, the lifestyle at that time, the way life moves on but still carries all the good and bad with it. Regards, Steve, So interesting!! Margo: No, Tamar and George did not have a relationship AFTER the trial going forward. Bravo to you and your family. I mean, it was shocking to me, but it left John in an exalted and unusually talkative mood. Thank you for sharing her with us here. In front of Sergei Rachmaninoff, a musical legend, he performed at his . 1. I know he had Surely you would have seen through her lies relating to age and background with george . There was blood all over the floor and on some of the furniture, and my face was green and I was trying not to be sick. To my knowledge, none of the living relatives ever Informant Lillian DeNorak [Lenorak] has been committed to the State Mental Institution at Camarillo. As for Elizabeth Short being interested in the murder everybody was. That shines down eternally on all of us. You have all the respect in the world from me in your endeavors to bring the truth to light. I could not continue to be Deborah, to abused, to damaged, even after being lent overnight to wealthy men finally stopped Tamar kept abusing me in every way possible, I was so brainwashed it was many years to realize what she was doing to me still. Secrets and lies have permeated the Hodel family for far too long and finally the spotlight zeros in on the truth as it should. I hope many are encouraged by you who have also lived twilight zone lives no fault of their own. Here then are the only known photographs of Ruth Spaulding from her 1934 L.A. High School yearbook. Patti L. Hodel reportedly beat his sons there and drove his daughter to run away. Dawn: Yes, Dangerous Friends is an excellent read and very well written by screenwriter, Peter Viertel, one who KNEW. If the term mad genius applies to anyone, it applies to George Hodel. Many of my HODEL family members ARE BLACK AND BEAUTIFUL. Much appreciated. Time to channel Mary McCarthy: Every word he utters is a lie, including and and the.'. Some good thinking and observations. I know youre old, and probably still stuck in the olden times, but it is 2021. My Irish roots are on my maternal grandfathers side. They might meet for dinner on rare occasions. were there any reports from Surrealists at the time? Only source on it is That was created from the fictional mini-series, I Am The Night which is 95% fiction. Tamar gives us the true story of how once she was hospitalized, a very kind and loving Black man offered to help meoffered to marry me, but authorities refused. Good Morning Mr Hodel, trying to take advantage of a sensational case. Sixth Surrealist Secret Revealed -1950 Sketch Pays Further Homage to and Again Links, Close Friend, Dr. George Hill Hodel to the 1947 Black Dahlia Murder. First, I would like to thank you for sharing the history of your family so openly and for being so devoted to shining light on the truth. It is unconscionable on his part, and quite sad, as well, and I wish he would stop. Are you investigating your fathers activity in Asia? This started up again when she married my father Stan Wilson. Her alcoholism, her dark side when on binges, her arrests for child neglect. Far from a perfect woman and a serious victim to Stockholm Syndrome. Did she have character flaws? 10: Civil Servant, the guy LH has a clock on his site saying how many years/months/days/hours/mins/secs since the movies rights have been bought for your book (hes that petty and sad), Kate: No, LAPD nor any other LE agency has never done any testing. Fiction and Fact- Actress Connie Nielsen plays my mother, Corinna Hodel (Dorothy Hodel) in the TNT miniseries I Am The Night Heres the real Dorothy, (SKH Note- Much of this blog was originally published by me in 2016, as a remembrance of my mother on what would have been her 110th birthday. skh. 6: Journalist Taking all the darkness to her grave. Never happened. But I cant imagine how Id feel to uncover evidence that my parent had had a second career as a notoriously depraved serial killer. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Home It's a twisted story involving cover-ups, closed adoptions, and sexual abuse. So, in truth it is way beyond a reasonable doubt which is what you need to convict in a jury trial. Harnisch has been on a childish rant ever since and keeps promising to publish his book any year now. What did you think when you were younger and your father just left? When Dorothy Hodel was questioned by investigators in 1950, she was living over a bait shop on Santa Monica Pier. Thank you for allowing the public to know the truth. I encourage you to keep pressing on, because you are the beauty rising from the ashes. Stay safe. This life is holy. (See full description and details in Tamars own words as to the how and why of it below.). Assume there was DNA left at Elizabeths crime scene? As far as the hosts of Root of Evil, I had never actually met my great niece Rasha prior to our appearance on the Dr. Phil Show a few months back and had only met her sister, Yvette on two brief occasions, with her mother Fauna, more than a decade past. thanks, So was George in Hawaii then, thousands of miles away, when Tamar got pregnant? It is believed to be correct at the . In the early years, I chose to respond to his misrepresentations, with just the facts but then came to realize that no amount of evidence would/could change his mind. He was a mysterious silver-haired benefactor who bugged the phones of his estranged granddaughter. While I provide much of what I believe to be the motive and crime signatures to his crime, (the method for his madness) separate from that is: physical evidence connecting the crime scene to the body dump location (cement sacks), police tape-recorded admissions and confessions to multiple murders, including Dahlia, as well as police payoffs and to performing abortions, police reports documenting they knew and dated each other prior to the murder, handwriting expert analysis confirming authorship of the Avenger Letters were written by GHH, four top original law enforcement officers independently corroborating each others statements that the case was solved and Dr. George Hodel did it; witness statements connecting him to the crime, and on and on. While Fauna Hodel died in 2017 (two years before "Root of Evil"), her daughters found her meticulous journals and reference Fauna's own book One Day She'll Darken: The Mysterious Beginnings of Fauna Hodel to tell her story. She also used the Sowden House as a mail drop when she had no fixed address. Omg that woman ,Why be offended by something and tell someone off for quoting something someone else in the context of the story has said then go and use that word amongst others themselves their hypocrisy knows no bounds No-one would believe anything bad someone says about you Steve your record speaks for itself , I personally wouldnt put it past that person whos dissed you publicly on their website for 18 + years like LH to pose as a woman S or L on your site to troll you for kicks or attention ( ironic and twisted if true considering GH used to do something similar to people of his former profession as Zodiac ). Unlike what is being fictionally portrayed in the current miniseries, I Am The Night (I have only seen the trailers) there were no sex parties no bacchanals. As far as Tamar and Faunas biological father. Here is a letter my mother sent me on my 33, birthday, in 1974. I will continue to wear the dual masks of Drama (Thalia God of Comedy and Melpomene God of Tragedy). FaunaElizabeth Hodel Wilson I dont know how she survived seven plus decades, living and knowing what she knew, but I am so grateful that despite the difficult Gypsy Years and her alcoholism, we were able to stay together as a family until each of us boys grew to adulthood. Much appreciated. I have seen it reported in at least two different places that he chose the middle name, but that never made sense to me. Oh! But no open obvious sex. Beautiful. She had gone to her father at age 12 and asked him to name her doll for her. Its an extremely dark and disturbing movie thats actually banned in the US, and simply watching the preview ( or reading the synopsis on Wikipedia ( is enough to send shivers down my spine. I wonder what she was thinking as the camera shutter captured her image, that moment forever suspended in time. That makes her the ultimate heroine of this story and The House Of Hodel. Did I mention that George Hodels purported photos of Elizabeth Short arent her? not be Hyde that won the battles for his psyche. Find Dorothy Hodel's phone number, address, and email on Spokeo, the leading people search directory for contact information and public records. A daughter of Charles Eugene Harvey, and Dorothy Bell Everett. steve. Yet, it very much is. Robert: No question about it. He did not. Dee: From online or printed sources and from publicly accessible databases. Tammy: Here I was fascinated reading this. Black Dahlia Avenger II is my six-year follow-up investigation [2006-2012] into the Black Dahlia and Lone Woman Murders from the 1940s. Family dynamics are so complex, and I thought my family was the archetype of dysfunction. Wife of George Hill Hodel Jr. married [date unknown] [location unknown] Descendants . Do you know if your mother was the woman who took Tamar and/or Fauna to Nevada and arranged for Jimmie Lee to adopt Fauna? The poet that loved Beauty and Nature and encouraged each of her three sons to strive to be of Service, to Sacrifice, to Love. Ive fought my whole life for equality of the races in both my thoughts and deeds so before calling this old White guy a racist you might want to take a look in the mirror and examine your own you people thoughts on the matter. If this is true, it astounds me that he had a close enough relationship with her to name her child. Upon interrogation from the original investigators, Dorothy hodel also said: (1) to the best of my knowledge he didnt and doesnt know her. (2) His branch of medicine is V.D. Thank you for the kind words. They separated in August 1933. death comes quietly were from Ireland, but dont have anything further information? The term simply did not exist in awareness; hence the misogyny, sadism, and nihilism. Stop using words like negro. Enter retired LAPD homicide detective Steve Hodel. Be advised however, that you are every bit the man he knew you had become. Thank you for sharing it. whats next? The responsibility is with Steve Hodel and his rather incredible gift for making up new lies and embellishing his old ones. Copyright 2023 Steve Hodel. Love you Dearly, Fauna Elizabeth Wilson /Hodel 1990s. I knew I had to write them down. All true. But the arrangement was temporary. As with so many things, its something Steve Hodel would very much like to be true. Have you ever been in touch with Beth Shorts relatives? Im curious if youre familiar with someone by the name (or handle) of lmharnisch? George Hill Hodel Jr. (October 10, 1907 - May 16, 1999) was an American physician and suspect in the murder of Elizabeth Short, a.k.a. Best, Steve, Do you think Dr. Hodel had anything to do with Jean Spanglers disappearance? Hi Steve, was the Franklin house where the black Dahlias murder supposedly occurred ever tested with luminol or searched for any DNA? That true version of her life was dramatic enough in and of itself without going along with the storyline of the miniseries. Ill admit, the expression sets my teeth on edge, as it seems I only ever hear it when some jackass is making a belittling comment to someone, attempting to make the person feel they are other than what is acceptable. Best, Steve. I would not learn that they had divorced until my investigation some fifty years later. ~ Steve S. Steve ,like other readers I too have wondered about your mother and always been intrigued to have more of an insight into a being that was clearly a very remarkable lady. If you reread BDA besure to get the updated SkyHorse/Arcade 2015 ed. Below link is a bio I wrote on her some time back. A few years ago, my grandmother passed away, and though we were all grieving, these words broke through my mind in a gentle, delicate ray of sunlight. But, mostly we were aware of the Mahatma (Beautiful Soul) within her. You seem so stabke as a person through all this hell knowledge discovered about your Father. It is here updated to included additional photos and text.). She was THE major influence on each of her sons for GOOD. Its jarring and can trigger strong feelings to come across outdated and offensive words, but in this case, Mr. Hodel was using such language only in a representative way quoting what was written on a birth certificate. Steve H. ~ ), Ultimate heroine of this story and the. ' and asked him to name her doll for sake... Truth to light separate books i wish he would stop i wrote on her some time.. Indicated in my followup books, Buster a cadaver dog alert to numerous locations for human remains fault their. 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