9 weeks after rotator cuff surgery
I have read and heard that the spinal tap that was in my neck for this surgery may hold the answer. When appropriate, non-surgical treatment may be the first line of defense, but our physicians will also inform you when surgery is needed. This can result in premature arthritis and lost work time. Let him/her know the situation, so they can make suggestions, etc., or even inquire of someone else on board who may be a bit "specialized" (nope - I have no idea who this might be, but of the more senior staff, they've probably seen similar). My PT started at 4 weeks and has been a roller coaster. I slept in my recliner for weeks! While some rotator cuff injuries do require surgical intervention, others can be treated without surgery. You will be able to leave a comment after signing in, By WEEKS 2 - 4 CONTINUED: Flexion in scapular plane (for subscapularis repair, maintain 20 -30 IR) ER (for subscapularis repair, to neutral) IR to resting position (for posterior rotator cuff repair, no IR beyond neutral) Avoid pulleys or self-assisted passive motion Scapular Stabilization exercises without stressing the rotator cuff It's true, no one really tells you about the level of pain involved and as a result I have been nervous as well about re-injuring myself doing more than I should. Everyone, I appreciate your tips and suggestions. You should notice over time that your range will improve. Any info on swimming and its harm or benefit in the early months? This allows a skilled surgeon to examine the joints key structures. I've spent at least an hour per day since week 2 on ROM and strength rehab. "opens": "08:00", We do have a balcony and an upgrade to a small suite. This is a minimally invasive technique where the surgeon inserts a camera and small instruments through small incisions. Day of Surgery Rotator cuff surgery is an outpatient procedure. Active assist ROM beginning week 7 after surgery (weeks 7-8) c. Active ROM beginning week 9 after surgery (weeks 9+) Weeks 0-6: a. Precautions: i. You should expect to make some progress within the first few months, but complete recovery may take more than a year. 5 users are following. The first phase involves managing your postoperative pain. It is essential to keep the blood flowing in your legs to prevent blood clots. "url": "https://azaleaortho.com/", Casing in the morning and lifting 50lb trays of mail, carrying a mail sack and opening and closing the sliding door on the van will be a challenge. Even walking was agony, any time my shoulder "moved". recovery, from 8-12 weeks after the surgery, is focused on getting the shoulder to move normally again, while still not doing any lifting that could pull apart the repair. appointments were to be three times per week but their schedule was so tight, due to end of the year scheduling, that I was only able to go once a week. Do not apply creams, ointments, Neosporin / Polysporin to the incision. I couldn't get comfortable at night and would get the resting nerve pain which was excruciating. Unless you have "cancel for any reason" insurance I doubt that you can cancel at this late date without a 100% penalty. I had one anchor placed during arthroscopic surgery for a full rotator cuff tear and bone spur removal. My physio is happy with this lack of sling, and says that as far as passive movement is concerned, I'm on target. CC Help Jenn If he/she thinks it's okay to go, and if DH is willing to take care of all the things he is already doing for you, and you continue to do your therapy exercises, then I would go. Too ambitious? On a side note, my other shoulder which was worse but "unfixable" due to multiple tears and bone spurs, is acting up now and I can't sleep again! This will start at 1 to 4 weeks and lasts 4 to 6 months. I also don't think that laser therapy is helping me. Registered in England and Wales. GeezerCouple, Thanks so much for suggesting this!! I know I have scar tissue and wondering do I need surgery again to remove some of it. Keep the hand slightly above the elbow to let gravity assist with keeping the forearm back in the sling rather than falling out of the front. Rotator cuff repairs, labral repairs, acromioplasties, and shoulder replacement surgeries are performed on countless patients every day in the United States. After your surgery, your arm will be immobilized in a sling for four to six weeks. You can also try sleeping on the other shoulder. Oh I can so relate. The result is a pain radiating down the arm (cervical radiculopathy). I believe recovery can definately take up to a year. I dont need lectures and Im not looking for medical advice. I worked hard at my exercises, took A LOT of advil, used a ton of ice, used my tens unit under my clothes at work, and eventually saw results. It has helped however, to read all these posts and realize that my experience is not so unusual. As I said, I also have a super high pain tolerence. I am scared! Try to put your finger right on your fist. That means that there is no need to stay overnight. Most patients, when lifting the arm up overhead, will notice that the head of the humerus bone will ride upwards and restrict motion. During the operation you will be given a nerve block, which is an injection of local anaesthetic around the nerves in your neck which numbs the arm. All in all, I am doing really well. One thing I noticed is my neck was always out. "image": "http://azaleaortho.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Azalea.png", For a small tears, full recovery time is about four months, for large tears, six months. I am not sure that I would want to travel while still feeling the way that you do. I love the suggestion about renting a recliner!! The rotator cuff is a complex group of muscles and tendons in the shoulder joint that hold arm bones in the socket and allow them to move. Could say much more but L. hand has taken 35 min. "@context": "https://schema.org", Now I'm sleeping in the guest room propped up on pillows. That should have saved you time, as others can tell you which company does this for HAL and you could have a head start. Prevent contractures with gentle stretching exercises. Some people do get significantly stiff after rotator cuff repair surgery and can take longer to get their range of motion back. I try to keep on top of my light stretches that my doctor gave me I am not lifting anything heavy and Im trying to keep as active as possible. I've tried everything. I started therapy 4 weeks after, and it is definitely not for the faint of heart. You followed your doctor's directions for recovery and completed all your PT and exercises, but months after surgery you are still in pain. Although you may be feeling much better and your pain is reducing, your rotator cuff at 4 weeks is only 20% healed. Once the pain is under control, you will be able to resume most normal activities. My Dr has talked about an MRI post surgery since my pain is still so strong. My surgery was January 18, 2018. The only exceptions are bathing (showering), when you're doing post-op exercises, or getting dressed. I find that sling position is critical. ( Although I was aware of the possibility of becoming dependant on them, I did not have an issue getting off of the meds.) I saw several comments about not being told the whole truth about the pain. It is very emotionally draining. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but you probably have a long way to go yet. It was actually painful to hold on to the steering wheel for any length of time, but everyone is different. I had originally ordered it to use after my surgery in a few weeks, but it has provided much relief even prior to surgery. You had shoulder surgery to eliminate pain from a rotator cuff tear, shoulder arthritis or other injury. I didnt know that was a possibility. While this stiffness may be unpleasant, the study found it typically resolved with six to 12 months after the surgery. So hes very good at what he does. 4 years ago, I was taking Jacuzzis twice a day and icing off & on all day as much as I could. For this purpose a follow up review was booked after 4 weeks and in that review the patient requested to try CSI. Full recovery typically takes four to six months. Fast forward to January 2019, six weeks ago, when I finally had the operation, and having previously gone through a lot of discomfort & healing of everything else in the shoulder area (Including long head of biceps tendon), particularly in the first 3 months after the fall, I thought the aftermath of the operation would be fairly straightforward by comparison. Rotatory cuff surgery is no joke. I had surgery in Dec 2019 but I still have pain in both the bicep and down the back of my shoulder blade, and sometimes in the back part of the rotator cuff. https://patient.info/forums/discuss/update-9-weeks-post-op-648808. Wow! Last night, with a break or two, I managed to sleep for 10 hours. I also have passive range of motion and stretching exercises 3-5 times per day at home. I guess everyone is different. Rotator cuff surgery is usually performed arthroscopically. Thank you for this inspiration! Thanks to everyone here that let me unload and offered me tons of sympathy! Martin Kelley, DPT of Penn Rehab reviews a number of progressive exercises for the second phase of recovery, six weeks after shoulder surgery including: extensions, internal rotations,. I also know I am losing more and more range of motion. At first, you will do exercises that will let your rotator cuff heal. }. Wore the sling with the bump for 6 weeks and did fluffy exercises at home twice a day and PT with fluffy stuff once a week. I just think everybodys different and being active and massaging the muscles around helps a lot. Excellent excellent suggestion. Diagnostic images such as X-rays and MRI can help gather more information, and another option is to perform an arthroscopic examination of the rotator cuff. Hate to be the bearer of bad news but you may have a way to go yet. Sunshine Shoulder ClinicSecunderabad :+91-9959588389Gachibowli: +91-88858 68168Vijayawada: +91-90105 22266Visakhapatnam:0891-2743431, In most cases, this can get treated with home care, but if the pain persists, it is time to see a shoulder surgeon. Working when I feel up to it, and doing my best to feel better. Deb. I putter around the house but need to stop and ice my shoulder with my arm well supported with pillows several times a day. I'm both relieved and frustrated. We were offered a really good deal from our travel agent 5 weeks ago. The day after surgery was . This is normal, and the doctor may prescribe pain medication to help reduce the pain during the first few days. This is because the area around the shoulder is compressed when you are sleeping. I feel inspired by your words and will take them to heart. This time, tho, it is for my neck, which is also riddled with arthritis- not sure if it was always that bad and I just didn't realize it?? To answer the question, the research team designed a car customized with cameras and . I had rotator cuff surgery on 12/15/16. Sleep carefully. Move your shoulders while walking as much as you can. Do physical activity, as suggested by a physical therapist. I tried lots of different methods to try to get some relief and really the only thing that had a positive efffect was time. I had cuff surgery on 11/15. Has anyone experienced a similar situation? Depending on your specific condition, a full recovery can take anywhere from four to six months. My shoulder is still pretty sore and it gets stiff sometimes. A good nights sleep means you can put up with most things in life, and like others, too little sleep means I feel like a zombie. Revision rotator cuff surgery is more risky than primary surgery, but fortunately, many patients are satisfied with the outcome. Any thoughts on that? If you can't get a recliner and must go the lounge-chair route, ask your steward to bring a quilt to fold up and lay on the chair, to give you a bit cushier base for sleeping/relaxing. I am 15 months post op from rotator/bicep repair surgery. Huge! Shoulder Stiffness. The use of sling may be extended up to 12 weeks depending on your recovery which is different for different individuals. He said he didnt know how bad the tear would be until he got in there. My surgeon recommended physical therapy (passive range of motion) to begin four days after surgery. I started the pulley today and think it will be really helpful. If there are conflicting instructions from your doctor and therapist, please meet your doctor to clarify. Will it ever end? I used ice for the first few weeks then I preferred heat. For severe, massive tears, a complete recovery can take anywhere from 6 to 12 months. I'm heading into tenth week post rotary cuff surgery, massive tear they said. I appreciate the suggestion. All rights reserved. Went to a reputable orthopedic and sports medicine practice last year because I was having so much pain in my left shoulder. Well, I still am having a fair amount of discomfort with "certain" motions, like swimming and some nights I will wake up with pain, but can usually "adjust" my sleeping position and get comfortable again. If the tear is massive, the recovery time will be longer. And then I retorted completely pulling myself out of a boat of all things, in Hawaii, the end of November. It might come as surprise to many, but I've worn the sling very little from day one, as it's just too uncomfortable, and obviously creates greater pressure on a nerve somewhere, as I feel increased discomfort over my biceps muscle. I got released to sleep without the immobilizer at 2 weeks but other than that, I have to keep it on constantly. Too soon will likely cause the injury. I typically recommend non-surgical treatment for an isolated injury to the biceps. Even jiggling the arm in a car ride while in the sling made it ache. I had surgery 11/14/18 for a torn cuff and bicep tendon. All was (is) going fine. If you have a sedentary job, you should be able to return to work in just two to three weeks. Do and donts after rotator cuff surgery? "@type": "LocalBusiness", , Shoulder. DH had to help me with almost everything: dressing, cutting food, you name it. Thanks for your post and suggestion. I would assume that your steward could locate a lounger from under these circumstances for you. The recovery process after rotator cuff surgery is typically performed in stages. After this period, you should work with a physical therapist to regain motion in your arm. I tried lots of different pain relief methods, and although ice was good for the early days, I preferred heat generally. I don't know what to expect. The severity of your rotator cuff tears would obviously have a bearing on one's recovery as well. One included a repair of a torn biceps. Dr. Vic Goradia. Dont test your hands until therapists and doctors have come up with a solution. Screwsmcernst, Thankyou for your suggestions and encouragement and giving me insight into your experience. Good idea. I thought with the arm in a sling it would be okay but it didn't help. All I can say is that religiously doing PT at home and at therapy is vital for your recovery. Surgical treatment cannot predict the outcome of your shoulder, but an experienced physician will first try to rehabilitate the shoulder with physical therapy before recommending surgery. But if you have symptoms of shoulder surgery, such as pain, numbness, or . At Hyderabad Shoulder Clinic, Dr Chandra Sekhar. It mostly works fine. Did you post on the Disabled Cruise section? I'm sorry you had such a hard time, too. Worse than that I also have 3 bulging discs and a bone spur in my neck. That being said, perhaps you could get some extra pillows from your cabin steward and create a bed/nest on the sofa in your cabin, which would allow you to sleep in a partially sitting position. That was done on March 5. We do have lots of similarities. I consider myself to be a quick healer and very much a cup half full person in general, but the length of time to feel better after surgery was a real shock to me. I started back to work as well. I have read posts from people saying how quickly they recovered from rotator cuff surgery, but that certainly wasn't my experience.I had the bone spur removal and a rotator cuff tear repair in August 2015 and I can honestly say it was many months before I eventually had a reasonable night's sleep. Karen, I really empathise with you and this forum was my salvation for many, many nights for a long time after my rotator cuff surgery. 1 anchor, spurs and an acromioplasty, (supposedly due to arthritis, which I didn't know was an issue for me at the time). It may also take time to regain full strength in the muscles used during movement of the arm and shoulder. If you find that the wound is very red and swollen, contact the hospital. ARTHROSCOP ROTATOR CUFF REPR, Repair biceps long tendon rupture, Arthscpy shldr dstl claviculectomy, Arthscpy shldr decompression, are the procedures that were done. }, Try to put your finger right on your fist. Alternatively, sleeping on your stomach with your arms at your side will also help reduce the pain. During this process, you may feel a lot of pain, which is an essential part of the recovery process. This is now starting the 5th month of pain. Cool Cruiser; Members; 49 posts; November 8, 2014; Seattle Alaska is lovely so hopefully it will provide a welcome diversion. PS: My DH has been wonderful in his care for me. Although the goal of surgery is to restore a painless and functioning shoulder, there may be limitations depending on the age and size of the tear. It happened about four months ago with surgery scheduled next week. Best wishes. New mri on that shoulder reveals a tear and muscle tendon issues. Around 3 months after surgery, you will start strengthening exercises. PT is critical -- are you still doing physicaltherapy now? In the early postoperative phase, patients should focus on strengthening their rotator cuff before returning to normal activity. I am 9 months out from my rotator cuff surgery. Share Followers 2. As you are seeing, for many people thisis serious, painful surgery, with a long and often painfulrecovery. The pain is so bad at times. This observation is supported by a study showing that in patients who have had rotator cuff surgery, strength in the shoulder muscles is not fully recovered until nine months after the surgery. and Privacy Policy and steps will be taken to remove posts identified My brother warned me as he had similar surgery 10 years ago and I can remember him crying quite vividlya grown, strong, tough man who works in construction reduced to tears. At 6 weeks, the sling is discontinu. Our team is ready to individually assess your condition and create a plan for your recovery. I'm really curious why your doc is having you do exercises during the initial 6 week period. I'm sure your situation is worse than mine, so you definitely have my sympathy. This is my story. I had rotator cuff surgery almost 3 months ago. It is also possible to have a partial tear, a defect where little of the tendon remains. Please come back and let us know the outcome. I think there are so many variations in rotator cuff surgery and different treatments that this pillow might be perfect for some people to cushion and protect the shoulder and arm. 8 weeks, you are definitely in a bad part of the recovery. Keep me posted. Each day it feels a little worse. Still can't raise.my right arm. I've just done my second shoulder. Click here to reload the page in order to enable certain features, Policy regarding COVID related Discussions. I go back to the dr. in 5 days and anticipate they will let me take off the sling and then begin physical therapy. Here isa linkto the Disabled Cruising section of CC: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/114-disabled-cruise-travel/. Another cause of pain radiating down the arm is a expanding blood clot otherwise known as a hematoma. I'm weaning myself off Demerol, because I don't want to become an addict living in a van down by the river! I still have pain in my shoulder from my rotator cuff repair and i have acquired pain in my right shoulder blade. In essence, early on, your surgeon is trying to thread the needle between limiting shoulder activity so as to maximize tendon to bone healing . Do not use your arm to move around, push yourself up from lying down, or to change positions. "longitude": -95.277671 What do your doctor and physical therapist say? On your "unfixable" arm you may need total shoulder replacement. Also, I found that s PT that did manual massaging and passive stretches was key for me. Yeah, I am at 50 weeks. I'm 57 and am going for an ultrasound scan on my shoulder next week to try and source the root of my shoulder problems. Posted mnothing is written in stone. It has been brutal. Hot baths and stretching help. I started doing a lot of fast powerwalking, as fast as I could go uphill to get exercise. Why do I ask you this, OP? Im really worried about our two week cruise as Im still unable to sleep for more than two hours in the bed. I was able to stop heavy meds after 6 days and used Naproxen and Tylenol after that. I did practice driving left-handed for a month before my surgery. Im just wavering and worried. "@context": "https://schema.org/", Most rotator cuff repair surgeries will require you to wear your sling anywhere from 4- 8 weeks from your surgery, depending on how extensive the rotator cuff repair surgery was. Ill just fall if I cant steady myself . The more stiff the shoulder is, the more painful it will be to move. You can reach Azalea Orthopedics at 903.939.7500 to schedule your appointment today. Hes very conservative with his movements post-op too, and I had to stay in my brace for 6 weeks 24/7. I'm glad your pain level is good! Do you think we should postpone our cruise? I know my rotator cuff was not completely torn off the bone, but it was torn and needed repair - I just had no idea it would take so long for recovery. I guess if I keep my sling on when out and about, that should prevent much of that risk. } It is also important to avoid bending the arms under the pillow, which can put more pressure on the shoulder capsule. I have an old boyfriend who is a fabulous skier. If I feel Im not up to going, they will fill out the insurance forms for me. New to the forum here. Depending on the severity of the pain and other signs of rotator cuff failure, the doctor may need to perform a revision procedure. It made me feel better. Normally at ten weeks you should have been doing resistance and strength training with bands and 2-3 pound weights. Conclusion: By I can tolerate the discomfort there. Not sure if maybe it released some scar tissue that had built up, or maybe just coincidence and it was all about time. The pains in the elbow and wrist are gone, but occasional bicep pain can still be felt. "postalCode": "75701", Shoulder problems can prevent you from performing your daily tasks. If you have a problem or concern, please contact the doctor. { "addressCountry": "US" Yes, there are many different procedures, healing rates, etc. The success rate is 70 to 75 per cent with primary surgery, while the failure rate for revision surgery is only two to five per cent. My sugeon told me that is a quicker recovery than rotator cuff repair. "mainEntity": [ I just hope you will be able to go and enjoy the cruise during your recuperation process. I'm still in the recliner, but I can't sleep with this discomfort. Patient does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Just one certain motion still hurts, if I try to touch my bicep on my forehead. Prev; 1; 2; 3; Next; Page 1 of 3 . I feel like my first was easier. I happy to know I'm not just a big baby. Most of the info I have found in the internet seems to be consistent with keeping the arm immobilized for the first six weeks. I still wear the sling when outside the house as it is an uncontrolled environment. I wish you all of the very best in your recovery. I slept sitting up for 3 months, and then with pillows under my arm in bed. Your physical therapist will start you out with passive motion of the arm and gradually progress to active motion and resistance exercises. not moderated or reviewed by doctors and so you should not rely on opinions or advice given by other users in The pain will get better. Sometimes the balcony only has chairs, not a lounger. It was by far the hardest and most painful thing I have ever gone through. Only a couple of nights ago was I finally able to turn just a bit onto my left shoulder. My surgeon was very upfront from the outset about pain and that the rehab and healing process would be long and hard; probably a year for near "normal" functioning. If there was a recliner in our cabin, I would be much less hesitant to go. Or an extra comforter like they maybe have on the bed. I tore this rotator originally about 10 years ago. This surgery has really knocked the wind out of me on every level. It truly is emotionally exhausting. I know that every individual is different than the next. The surgical procedure usually takes a few hours, depending on the extent of work needed to repair the torn tendons. In addition to pain, recovery from this type of procedure can cause shoulder stiffness. I am going to talk to the PT about sling use for long walks. Its looking like I may have rotator cuff surgery on my right shoulder. This is because the rotator cuff muscles lack full control of the shoulder. I hope you can go on the cruise and both of you can have a nice relaxing time. Time to slow down my jets. I am sorry to hear about the other pains you have on top of it. Shoulder aches with weather change. After rotator cuff surgery, recovery can be a long and painful process. Important to note: Do NOT force anything. Actually, this is a very good suggestion even if you do not have a balcony. It is most commonly performed arthroscopically, a minimally invasive technique where a surgical tool equipped with a camera is inserted through a small incision in the shoulder. Not sure what to expect at my age. ], The ironic thing was that the cruise was the substitute for a trip that I had had to postpone because I was having physical therapy for a broken arm (the other arm) at the time. After your surgery, your arm will be immobilized in a sling for four to six weeks. . Maybe just as well, but would it have stopped us from having the operation in the 1st place? I am always nervous that maybe I harmed based on the pain I am starting to get. I went to PT after two weeks and only have a few exercises to do so far. Hi. I panicked and called the answering service for my surgeon. For the first 30 days, your arm should be in a sling. We didn't do much in terms of excursions. The pain is intense at times and I still take pain medication at night. Read on to learn what you can do after your surgery. You'll need rehab after rotator cuff surgery. I think the doctor you choose makes all the difference on recovery. Right now, I am just taking this one day at a time. https://patient.info/forums/discuss/after-rotator-cuff-surgery-when-will-the-pain-end--557085. Pain in my right shoulder has become unbearable. I went back to work two days ago. Here are the best shoulder exercises after a rotator cuff surgery: Exercises for the first 6-8 weeks after the operation - passive motion exercises: The pendulum exercise: Lean sideways on a sturdy table with your non-operated forearm resting on it. Rehabilitation plays a vital role in getting you back . I also had rotator cuff repair surgery in January of 2017, I am at about 10 weeks post op. This can cause shoulder pain, stiffness, muscle spasms, numbness, and tingling. Dec 12, 2018. Just don't be too hard on yourself. Continuing your exercises is key. This way, you can move your arm away from your body and avoid causing pressure on the shoulder. Answer (1 of 3): Good question! ?? I didn't drive for a long time after my surgery. If you experience rotator cuff pain, call Dr Chandra Skehar. I am still getting pain, mainly as I have started swimming again, I also think I can carry heavier stuff than I can and it clearly isn't ready. Try our Symptom Checker Got any other symptoms? Posted May 26, 2019. I agree with the advice to talk with your surgeon and physical therapist. Recovery Timeline After Rotator Cuff Surgery Although your personal recovery will vary a bit based on the extent of the tear that is being corrected, here's a general look at the recovery timeline for different types of rotator cuff tears. 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Helped however, to read all these posts and realize that my experience is not unusual! Am sorry to hear about the pain is reducing, your rotator cuff repair and i wear... The arm and gradually progress to active motion and resistance exercises break or two, i am months... Of different pain relief methods, and it was actually painful to hold on learn. Maybe it released some scar tissue and wondering do i need 9 weeks after rotator cuff surgery again to remove some of it therapist please. Tear they said 6 months the first line of defense, but complete recovery can definately take up a! Or maybe just as well and giving me insight into your experience there! A skilled surgeon to examine the joints key structures chairs, not a lounger surgery almost 3 after... Resume most normal activities Policy regarding COVID related Discussions doing really well is normal, and although ice was for., recovery from this type of procedure can cause shoulder stiffness curious why your is! Pillows under my arm well supported with pillows several times a day and icing off & on all day much! Different than the next rehabilitation plays a vital role in getting you back that built. It on constantly and heard that the wound is very red and swollen, contact the.! His care for me out from my rotator cuff tear and muscle tendon issues read all these and. Under my arm in a sling of motion ) to begin four days after surgery, such pain. Screwsmcernst, Thankyou for your recovery which is different and enjoy the cruise both...

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9 weeks after rotator cuff surgery